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layout: "gitlab" page_title: "GitLab: gitlab_project_hook" sidebar_current: "docs-gitlab-resource-project-hook" description: |- Creates and manages hooks for GitLab projects


This resource allows you to create and manage hooks for your GitLab projects. For further information on hooks, consult the gitlab documentation.

Example Usage

resource "gitlab_project_hook" "example" {
  project               = "example/hooked"
  url                   = "https://example.com/hook/example"
  merge_requests_events = true

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • project - (Required) The name or id of the project to add the hook to.

  • url - (Required) The url of the hook to invoke.

  • token - (Optional) A token to present when invoking the hook.

  • enable_ssl_verification - (Optional) Enable ssl verification when invoking the hook.

  • push_events - (Optional) Invoke the hook for push events.

  • issues_events - (Optional) Invoke the hook for issues events.

  • merge_requests_events - (Optional) Invoke the hook for merge requests.

  • tag_push_events - (Optional) Invoke the hook for tag push events.

  • note_events - (Optional) Invoke the hook for tag push events.

  • build_events - (Optional) Invoke the hook for build events.

  • pipeline_events - (Optional) Invoke the hook for pipeline events.

  • wiki_page_events - (Optional) Invoke the hook for wiki page events.

Attributes Reference

The resource exports the following attributes:

  • id - The unique id assigned to the hook by the GitLab server.