--- layout: "gitlab" page_title: "GitLab: gitlab_project_hook" sidebar_current: "docs-gitlab-resource-project-hook" description: |- Creates and manages hooks for GitLab projects --- # gitlab\_project\_hook This resource allows you to create and manage hooks for your GitLab projects. For further information on hooks, consult the [gitlab documentation](https://docs.gitlab.com/ce/user/project/integrations/webhooks.html). ## Example Usage ```hcl resource "gitlab_project_hook" "example" { project = "example/hooked" url = "https://example.com/hook/example" merge_requests_events = true } ``` ## Argument Reference The following arguments are supported: * `project` - (Required) The name or id of the project to add the hook to. * `url` - (Required) The url of the hook to invoke. * `token` - (Optional) A token to present when invoking the hook. * `enable_ssl_verification` - (Optional) Enable ssl verification when invoking the hook. * `push_events` - (Optional) Invoke the hook for push events. * `issues_events` - (Optional) Invoke the hook for issues events. * `merge_requests_events` - (Optional) Invoke the hook for merge requests. * `tag_push_events` - (Optional) Invoke the hook for tag push events. * `note_events` - (Optional) Invoke the hook for tag push events. * `build_events` - (Optional) Invoke the hook for build events. * `pipeline_events` - (Optional) Invoke the hook for pipeline events. * `wiki_page_events` - (Optional) Invoke the hook for wiki page events. ## Attributes Reference The resource exports the following attributes: * `id` - The unique id assigned to the hook by the GitLab server.