
516 lines
16 KiB

layout: "registry"
page_title: "Terraform Registry - HTTP API"
sidebar_current: "docs-registry-api"
description: |-
The /acl endpoints create, update, destroy, and query ACL tokens in Consul.
The [Terraform Registry](https://registry.terraform.io) has an HTTP API for
reading and downloading registry modules.
Terraform interacts with the registry as read-only. Therefore, the documented
API is read-only. Any endpoints that aren't documented on this page can and will
likely change over time. This allows differing methods for getting modules into
the registry while keeping a consistent API for reading modules in the registry.
## HTTP Status Codes
The API follows regular HTTP status semantics. To make implementing a complete
client easier, some details on our policy and potential future status codes are
listed below. A robust client should consider how to handle all of the
- **Success:** Return status is `200` on success with a body or `204` if there
is no body data to return.
- **Redirects:** Moved or aliased endpoints redirect with a `301`. Endpoints
redirecting to the latest version of a module may redirect with `302` or
`307` to indicate that they logically point to different resources over time.
- **Client Errors:** Invalid requests will receive the relevant `4xx` status.
Except where noted below, the request should not be retried.
- **Rate Limiting:** Clients placing excessive load on the service might be
rate-limited and receive a `429` code. This should be interpreted as a sign
to slow down, and wait some time before retrying the request.
- **Service Errors:** The usual `5xx` errors will be returned for service
failures. In all cases it is safe to retry the request after receiving a
`5xx` response.
- **Load Shedding:** A `503` response indicates that the service is under load
and can't process your request immediately. As with other `5xx` errors you
may retry after some delay, although clients should consider being more
lenient with retry schedule in this case.
## Error Responses
When a `4xx` or `5xx` status code is returned. The response payload will look
like the following example:
"errors": [
"something bad happened"
The `errors` key is a list containing one or more strings where each string
describes an error that has occurred.
Note that it is possible that some `5xx` errors might result in a response that
is not in JSON format above due to being returned by an intermediate proxy.
## List Latest Version of Module for All Providers
This endpoint returns the latest version of each provider for a module.
| Method | Path | Produces |
| ------ | ---------------------------- | -------------------------- |
| `GET` | `/v1/modules/:namespace/:name` | `application/json` |
### Parameters
- `namespace` `(string: <required>)` - The user or organization the module is
owned by. This is required and is specified as part of the URL path.
- `name` `(string: <required>)` - The name of the module.
This is required and is specified as part of the URL path.
### Sample Request
$ curl \
### Sample Response
"id": "examplecorp/vapordb/aws/1.0.0",
"owner": "wispy",
"namespace": "examplecorp",
"name": "vapordb",
"version": "1.0.0",
"provider": "aws",
"description": "Terraform Module for running VaporDB on AWS",
"source": "https://github.com/examplecorp/terraform-aws-vapordb",
"published_at": "2017-09-01T22:30:19.181077Z",
"downloads": 2,
"verified": true
"id": "examplecorp/vapordb/azurerm/1.0.0",
"owner": "wispy",
"namespace": "examplecorp",
"name": "vapordb",
"version": "1.0.0",
"provider": "azurerm",
"description": "Terraform Module for running VaporDB on Azure",
"source": "https://github.com/examplecorp/terraform-azurerm-vapordb",
"published_at": "2017-09-01T22:30:19.181077Z",
"downloads": 2,
"verified": true
## Latest Module for a Single Provider
This endpoint returns the latest version of a module for a single provider.
| Method | Path | Produces |
| ------ | ---------------------------- | -------------------------- |
| `GET` | `/v1/modules/:namespace/:name/:provider` | `application/json` |
### Parameters
- `namespace` `(string: <required>)` - The user the module is owned by.
This is required and is specified as part of the URL path.
- `name` `(string: <required>)` - The name of the module.
This is required and is specified as part of the URL path.
- `provider` `(string: <required>)` - The name of the provider.
This is required and is specified as part of the URL path.
### Sample Request
$ curl \
### Sample Response
"id": "Azure/network/azurerm/0.9.3",
"owner": "echuvyrov",
"namespace": "Azure",
"name": "network",
"version": "0.9.3",
"provider": "azurerm",
"description": "Terraform Azure RM Module for Network",
"source": "https://github.com/Azure/terraform-azurerm-network",
"published_at": "2017-09-01T22:30:19.181077Z",
"downloads": 0,
"verified": false,
"root": {
"path": "",
"readme": "Create a basic network in Azure\n==============================================================================\n\nThis Terraform module deploys a Virtual Network in Azure with the following characteristics: ...",
"empty": false,
"inputs": [
"name": "resource_group_name",
"description": "Default resource group name that the network will be created in.",
"default": "\"myapp-rg\""
"name": "location",
"description": "The location/region where the core network will be created. The full list of Azure regions can be found at https://azure.microsoft.com/regions",
"default": ""
"name": "address_space",
"description": "The address space that is used by the virtual network.",
"default": "\"\""
"name": "dns_servers",
"description": "The DNS servers to be used with vNet.",
"default": "[]"
"name": "subnet_prefixes",
"description": "The address prefix to use for the subnet.",
"default": "[\n \"\"\n]"
"name": "subnet_names",
"description": "A list of public subnets inside the vNet.",
"default": "[\n \"subnet1\"\n]"
"name": "tags",
"description": "The tags to associate with your network and subnets.",
"default": "{\n \"tag1\": \"\",\n \"tag2\": \"\"\n}"
"name": "allow_rdp_traffic",
"description": "This optional variable, when set to true, adds a security rule allowing RDP traffic to flow through to the newly created network. The default value is false.",
"default": "false"
"name": "allow_ssh_traffic",
"description": "This optional variable, when set to true, adds a security rule allowing SSH traffic to flow through to the newly created network. The default value is false.",
"default": "false"
"outputs": [
"name": "vnet_id",
"description": "The id of the newly created vNet"
"name": "vnet_name",
"description": "The Name of the newly created vNet"
"name": "vnet_location",
"description": "The location of the newly created vNet"
"name": "vnet_address_space",
"description": "The address space of the newly created vNet"
"name": "vnet_dns_servers",
"description": "The DNS servers of the newly created vNet"
"name": "vnet_subnets",
"description": "The ids of subnets created inside the newl vNet"
"name": "security_group_id",
"description": "The id of the security group attached to subnets inside the newly created vNet. Use this id to associate additional network security rules to subnets."
"dependencies": [],
"resources": [
"name": "network",
"type": "azurerm_resource_group"
"name": "vnet",
"type": "azurerm_virtual_network"
"name": "subnet",
"type": "azurerm_subnet"
"name": "security_group",
"type": "azurerm_network_security_group"
"name": "security_rule_rdp",
"type": "azurerm_network_security_rule"
"name": "security_rule_ssh",
"type": "azurerm_network_security_rule"
"submodules": null,
"providers": [
"versions": [
## Get a Specific Module
This endpoint returns the specified version of a module for a single provider.
| Method | Path | Produces |
| ------ | ---------------------------- | -------------------------- |
| `GET` | `/v1/modules/:namespace/:name/:provider/:version` | `application/json` |
### Parameters
- `namespace` `(string: <required>)` - The user the module is owned by.
This is required and is specified as part of the URL path.
- `name` `(string: <required>)` - The name of the module.
This is required and is specified as part of the URL path.
- `provider` `(string: <required>)` - The name of the provider.
This is required and is specified as part of the URL path.
- `version` `(string: <required>)` - The version of the module.
This is required and is specified as part of the URL path.
### Sample Request
$ curl \
### Sample Response
"id": "Azure/network/azurerm/0.9.2",
"owner": "echuvyrov",
"namespace": "Azure",
"name": "network",
"version": "0.9.2",
"provider": "azurerm",
"description": "Terraform Azure RM Module for Network",
"source": "https://github.com/Azure/terraform-azurerm-network",
"published_at": "2017-08-30T22:22:12.222113Z",
"downloads": 0,
"verified": false,
"root": {
"path": "",
"readme": "Create a basic network in Azure\n==============================================================================\n\nThis Terraform module deploys a Virtual Network in Azure with the following characteristics: ...",
"empty": false,
"inputs": [
"name": "tags",
"description": "The tags to associate with your network and subnets.",
"default": "{\n \"tag1\": \"\",\n \"tag2\": \"\"\n}"
"name": "subnet_names",
"description": "A list of public subnets inside the vNet.",
"default": "[\n \"subnet1\"\n]"
"name": "subnet_prefixes",
"description": "The address prefix to use for the subnet.",
"default": "[\n \"\"\n]"
"name": "dns_servers",
"description": "The DNS servers to be used with vNet.",
"default": "[]"
"name": "address_space",
"description": "The address space that is used by the virtual network.",
"default": "\"\""
"name": "location",
"description": "The location/region where the core network will be created. The full list of Azure regions can be found at https://azure.microsoft.com/regions",
"default": ""
"name": "prefix",
"description": "Default prefix to use with your resource names.",
"default": "\"myapp\""
"outputs": [
"name": "vnet_id",
"description": "The id of the newly created vNet"
"name": "vnet_name",
"description": "The Name of the newly created vNet"
"name": "vnet_location",
"description": "The location of the newly created vNet"
"name": "vnet_address_space",
"description": "The address space of the newly created vNet"
"name": "vnet_dns_servers",
"description": "The DNS servers of the newly created vNet"
"name": "vnet_subnets",
"description": "The ids of subnets created inside the newl vNet"
"name": "security_group_id",
"description": "The id of the security group attached to subnets inside the newly created vNet. Use this id to associate additional network security rules to subnets."
"dependencies": [],
"resources": [
"name": "security_rule_ssh",
"type": "azurerm_network_security_rule"
"name": "security_rule_rdp",
"type": "azurerm_network_security_rule"
"name": "security_group",
"type": "azurerm_network_security_group"
"name": "subnet",
"type": "azurerm_subnet"
"name": "vnet",
"type": "azurerm_virtual_network"
"name": "rg",
"type": "azurerm_resource_group"
"submodules": null,
"providers": [
"versions": [
## Download a Specific Module
This endpoint downloads the specified version of a module for a single provider.
A successful response has no body, and includes the URL from which the module
version's source can be downloaded in the `X-Terraform-Get` header. Note that
this URL may contain special syntax interpreted by Terraform via
[`go-getter`](https://github.com/hashicorp/go-getter). See the [`go-getter`
documentation](https://github.com/hashicorp/go-getter#url-format) for details.
| Method | Path | Produces |
| ------ | ---------------------------- | -------------------------- |
| `GET` | `/v1/modules/:namespace/:name/:provider/:version/download` | `application/json` |
### Parameters
- `namespace` `(string: <required>)` - The user the module is owned by.
This is required and is specified as part of the URL path.
- `name` `(string: <required>)` - The name of the module.
This is required and is specified as part of the URL path.
- `provider` `(string: <required>)` - The name of the provider.
This is required and is specified as part of the URL path.
- `version` `(string: <required>)` - The version of the module.
This is required and is specified as part of the URL path.
### Sample Request
$ curl \
### Sample Response
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Content-Length: 0
X-Terraform-Get: https://api.github.com/repos/Azure/terraform-azurerm-network/tarball/v0.9.2//*?archive=tar.gz
## Download the Latest Version of a Module
This endpoint downloads the latest version of a module for a single provider.
It returns a 302 redirect whose `Location` header redirects the client to the
download endpoint (above) for the latest version.
| Method | Path | Produces |
| ------ | ---------------------------- | -------------------------- |
| `GET` | `/v1/modules/:namespace/:name/:provider/download` | `application/json` |
### Parameters
- `namespace` `(string: <required>)` - The user the module is owned by.
This is required and is specified as part of the URL path.
- `name` `(string: <required>)` - The name of the module.
This is required and is specified as part of the URL path.
- `provider` `(string: <required>)` - The name of the provider.
This is required and is specified as part of the URL path.
- `version` `(string: <required>)` - The version of the module.
This is required and is specified as part of the URL path.
### Sample Request
$ curl \
### Sample Response
HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Location: /v1/modules/Azure/network/azurerm/0.9.3/download