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registry Terraform Registry - HTTP API docs-registry-api The /acl endpoints create, update, destroy, and query ACL tokens in Consul.


The Terraform Registry has an HTTP API for reading and downloading registry modules.

Terraform interacts with the registry as read-only. Therefore, the documented API is read-only. Any endpoints that aren't documented on this page can and will likely change over time. This allows differing methods for getting modules into the registry while keeping a consistent API for reading modules in the registry.

HTTP Status Codes

The API follows regular HTTP status semantics. To make implementing a complete client easier, some details on our policy and potential future status codes are listed below. A robust client should consider how to handle all of the following.

  • Success: Return status is 200 on success with a body or 204 if there is no body data to return.
  • Redirects: Moved or aliased endpoints redirect with a 301. Endpoints redirecting to the latest version of a module may redirect with 302 or 307 to indicate that they logically point to different resources over time.
  • Client Errors: Invalid requests will receive the relevant 4xx status. Except where noted below, the request should not be retried.
  • Rate Limiting: Clients placing excessive load on the service might be rate-limited and receive a 429 code. This should be interpreted as a sign to slow down, and wait some time before retrying the request.
  • Service Errors: The usual 5xx errors will be returned for service failures. In all cases it is safe to retry the request after receiving a 5xx response.
  • Load Shedding: A 503 response indicates that the service is under load and can't process your request immediately. As with other 5xx errors you may retry after some delay, although clients should consider being more lenient with retry schedule in this case.

Error Responses

When a 4xx or 5xx status code is returned. The response payload will look like the following example:

  "errors": [
    "something bad happened"

The errors key is a list containing one or more strings where each string describes an error that has occurred.

Note that it is possible that some 5xx errors might result in a response that is not in JSON format above due to being returned by an intermediate proxy.

List Latest Version of Module for All Providers

This endpoint returns the latest version of each provider for a module.

Method Path Produces
GET /v1/modules/:namespace/:name application/json


  • namespace (string: <required>) - The user or organization the module is owned by. This is required and is specified as part of the URL path.

  • name (string: <required>) - The name of the module. This is required and is specified as part of the URL path.

Sample Request

$ curl \

Sample Response

    "id": "examplecorp/vapordb/aws/1.0.0",
    "owner": "wispy",
    "namespace": "examplecorp",
    "name": "vapordb",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "provider": "aws",
    "description": "Terraform Module for running VaporDB on AWS",
    "source": "https://github.com/examplecorp/terraform-aws-vapordb",
    "published_at": "2017-09-01T22:30:19.181077Z",
    "downloads": 2,
    "verified": true
    "id": "examplecorp/vapordb/azurerm/1.0.0",
    "owner": "wispy",
    "namespace": "examplecorp",
    "name": "vapordb",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "provider": "azurerm",
    "description": "Terraform Module for running VaporDB on Azure",
    "source": "https://github.com/examplecorp/terraform-azurerm-vapordb",
    "published_at": "2017-09-01T22:30:19.181077Z",
    "downloads": 2,
    "verified": true

Latest Module for a Single Provider

This endpoint returns the latest version of a module for a single provider.

Method Path Produces
GET /v1/modules/:namespace/:name/:provider application/json


  • namespace (string: <required>) - The user the module is owned by. This is required and is specified as part of the URL path.

  • name (string: <required>) - The name of the module. This is required and is specified as part of the URL path.

  • provider (string: <required>) - The name of the provider. This is required and is specified as part of the URL path.

Sample Request

$ curl \

Sample Response

  "id": "Azure/network/azurerm/0.9.3",
  "owner": "echuvyrov",
  "namespace": "Azure",
  "name": "network",
  "version": "0.9.3",
  "provider": "azurerm",
  "description": "Terraform Azure RM Module for Network",
  "source": "https://github.com/Azure/terraform-azurerm-network",
  "published_at": "2017-09-01T22:30:19.181077Z",
  "downloads": 0,
  "verified": false,
  "root": {
    "path": "",
    "readme": "Create a basic network in Azure\n==============================================================================\n\nThis Terraform module deploys a Virtual Network in Azure with the following characteristics: ...",
    "empty": false,
    "inputs": [
        "name": "resource_group_name",
        "description": "Default resource group name that the network will be created in.",
        "default": "\"myapp-rg\""
        "name": "location",
        "description": "The location/region where the core network will be created. The full list of Azure regions can be found at https://azure.microsoft.com/regions",
        "default": ""
        "name": "address_space",
        "description": "The address space that is used by the virtual network.",
        "default": "\"\""
        "name": "dns_servers",
        "description": "The DNS servers to be used with vNet.",
        "default": "[]"
        "name": "subnet_prefixes",
        "description": "The address prefix to use for the subnet.",
        "default": "[\n  \"\"\n]"
        "name": "subnet_names",
        "description": "A list of public subnets inside the vNet.",
        "default": "[\n  \"subnet1\"\n]"
        "name": "tags",
        "description": "The tags to associate with your network and subnets.",
        "default": "{\n  \"tag1\": \"\",\n  \"tag2\": \"\"\n}"
        "name": "allow_rdp_traffic",
        "description": "This optional variable, when set to true, adds a security rule allowing RDP traffic to flow through to the newly created network. The default value is false.",
        "default": "false"
        "name": "allow_ssh_traffic",
        "description": "This optional variable, when set to true, adds a security rule allowing SSH traffic to flow through to the newly created network. The default value is false.",
        "default": "false"
    "outputs": [
        "name": "vnet_id",
        "description": "The id of the newly created vNet"
        "name": "vnet_name",
        "description": "The Name of the newly created vNet"
        "name": "vnet_location",
        "description": "The location of the newly created vNet"
        "name": "vnet_address_space",
        "description": "The address space of the newly created vNet"
        "name": "vnet_dns_servers",
        "description": "The DNS servers of the newly created vNet"
        "name": "vnet_subnets",
        "description": "The ids of subnets created inside the newl vNet"
        "name": "security_group_id",
        "description": "The id of the security group attached to subnets inside the newly created vNet. Use this id to associate additional network security rules to subnets."
    "dependencies": [],
    "resources": [
        "name": "network",
        "type": "azurerm_resource_group"
        "name": "vnet",
        "type": "azurerm_virtual_network"
        "name": "subnet",
        "type": "azurerm_subnet"
        "name": "security_group",
        "type": "azurerm_network_security_group"
        "name": "security_rule_rdp",
        "type": "azurerm_network_security_rule"
        "name": "security_rule_ssh",
        "type": "azurerm_network_security_rule"
  "submodules": null,
  "providers": [
  "versions": [

Get a Specific Module

This endpoint returns the specified version of a module for a single provider.

Method Path Produces
GET /v1/modules/:namespace/:name/:provider/:version application/json


  • namespace (string: <required>) - The user the module is owned by. This is required and is specified as part of the URL path.

  • name (string: <required>) - The name of the module. This is required and is specified as part of the URL path.

  • provider (string: <required>) - The name of the provider. This is required and is specified as part of the URL path.

  • version (string: <required>) - The version of the module. This is required and is specified as part of the URL path.

Sample Request

$ curl \

Sample Response

  "id": "Azure/network/azurerm/0.9.2",
  "owner": "echuvyrov",
  "namespace": "Azure",
  "name": "network",
  "version": "0.9.2",
  "provider": "azurerm",
  "description": "Terraform Azure RM Module for Network",
  "source": "https://github.com/Azure/terraform-azurerm-network",
  "published_at": "2017-08-30T22:22:12.222113Z",
  "downloads": 0,
  "verified": false,
  "root": {
    "path": "",
    "readme": "Create a basic network in Azure\n==============================================================================\n\nThis Terraform module deploys a Virtual Network in Azure with the following characteristics: ...",
    "empty": false,
    "inputs": [
        "name": "tags",
        "description": "The tags to associate with your network and subnets.",
        "default": "{\n  \"tag1\": \"\",\n  \"tag2\": \"\"\n}"
        "name": "subnet_names",
        "description": "A list of public subnets inside the vNet.",
        "default": "[\n  \"subnet1\"\n]"
        "name": "subnet_prefixes",
        "description": "The address prefix to use for the subnet.",
        "default": "[\n  \"\"\n]"
        "name": "dns_servers",
        "description": "The DNS servers to be used with vNet.",
        "default": "[]"
        "name": "address_space",
        "description": "The address space that is used by the virtual network.",
        "default": "\"\""
        "name": "location",
        "description": "The location/region where the core network will be created. The full list of Azure regions can be found at https://azure.microsoft.com/regions",
        "default": ""
        "name": "prefix",
        "description": "Default prefix to use with your resource names.",
        "default": "\"myapp\""
    "outputs": [
        "name": "vnet_id",
        "description": "The id of the newly created vNet"
        "name": "vnet_name",
        "description": "The Name of the newly created vNet"
        "name": "vnet_location",
        "description": "The location of the newly created vNet"
        "name": "vnet_address_space",
        "description": "The address space of the newly created vNet"
        "name": "vnet_dns_servers",
        "description": "The DNS servers of the newly created vNet"
        "name": "vnet_subnets",
        "description": "The ids of subnets created inside the newl vNet"
        "name": "security_group_id",
        "description": "The id of the security group attached to subnets inside the newly created vNet. Use this id to associate additional network security rules to subnets."
    "dependencies": [],
    "resources": [
        "name": "security_rule_ssh",
        "type": "azurerm_network_security_rule"
        "name": "security_rule_rdp",
        "type": "azurerm_network_security_rule"
        "name": "security_group",
        "type": "azurerm_network_security_group"
        "name": "subnet",
        "type": "azurerm_subnet"
        "name": "vnet",
        "type": "azurerm_virtual_network"
        "name": "rg",
        "type": "azurerm_resource_group"
  "submodules": null,
  "providers": [
  "versions": [

Download a Specific Module

This endpoint downloads the specified version of a module for a single provider.

A successful response has no body, and includes the URL from which the module version's source can be downloaded in the X-Terraform-Get header. Note that this URL may contain special syntax interpreted by Terraform via go-getter. See the go-getter documentation for details.

Method Path Produces
GET /v1/modules/:namespace/:name/:provider/:version/download application/json


  • namespace (string: <required>) - The user the module is owned by. This is required and is specified as part of the URL path.

  • name (string: <required>) - The name of the module. This is required and is specified as part of the URL path.

  • provider (string: <required>) - The name of the provider. This is required and is specified as part of the URL path.

  • version (string: <required>) - The version of the module. This is required and is specified as part of the URL path.

Sample Request

$ curl \

Sample Response

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Content-Length: 0
X-Terraform-Get: https://api.github.com/repos/Azure/terraform-azurerm-network/tarball/v0.9.2//*?archive=tar.gz

Download the Latest Version of a Module

This endpoint downloads the latest version of a module for a single provider.

It returns a 302 redirect whose Location header redirects the client to the download endpoint (above) for the latest version.

Method Path Produces
GET /v1/modules/:namespace/:name/:provider/download application/json


  • namespace (string: <required>) - The user the module is owned by. This is required and is specified as part of the URL path.

  • name (string: <required>) - The name of the module. This is required and is specified as part of the URL path.

  • provider (string: <required>) - The name of the provider. This is required and is specified as part of the URL path.

  • version (string: <required>) - The version of the module. This is required and is specified as part of the URL path.

Sample Request

$ curl \

Sample Response

HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Location: /v1/modules/Azure/network/azurerm/0.9.3/download