245 lines
9.6 KiB
245 lines
9.6 KiB
const util = require('util');
const DirectusSDK = require('@directus/sdk-js');
const yaml = require('js-yaml');
const urlslug = require('url-slug');
const fs = require('fs');
const mime = require('mime-types');
const express = require('express')
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');
const { exec } = require("child_process");
const uuidregex = /^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$/;
class Driver {
constructor(config = {}, directusConfig = {}){
this.url = config.url || 'http://localhost:8055';
this.email = config.email || '';
this.password = config.password || '';
this.frontMatter = (config.frontMatter && config.frontMatter.toUpperCase()) || 'YAML'; // TODO: Add TOML and JSON frontmatter support
this.collection = config.collection
this.collections = config.collections
this.content = {}
this.content.path = (config.content && config.content.path) ? config.content.path : 'content';
this.content.home = (config.content && config.content.home) ? config.content.home.toLowerCase() : 'home';
this.content.index = (config.content && config.content.index) ? config.content.index.toLowerCase() : 'index';
this.content.map = (config.content && config.content.map) ? config.content.map : [];
this.directus = new DirectusSDK(this.url, directusConfig);
this.pathMethod = config.pathBuilder || this._pathBuilder;
this._auth = null;
this.buildDrafts = config.buildDrafts || false;
// Auto-rebuild server related
this.buildPort = config.buildPort || 8060;
this.buildHost = config.buildHost || 'http://localhost';
this.autoWebhook = config.autoWebhook || true;
return new Promise(resolve => {
if (this.email && this.password && this._auth === null){
this._auth = this.directus.auth.login({ email: this.email, password: this.password })
.then(() => {
console.info('Login with user', this.email);
} else {
static emptyPromise(){
return new Promise(resolve => resolve())
return this.directus.collections.read()
// Let not following .then() confuse you. It is an arrow function running an arrow filter.
// The Directus internal system fields have "meta.system == true" and those we discard here.
// .then(data => {
// console.log(util.inspect(data, false, null, true /* enable colors */))
// return data
// })
.then(data => data.data.filter(collection => !collection.meta.system))
* Build path string where the articles will be stored exlcluding individual article slug
* @param {*} article
* @param {*} collection
* @returns {string}
_pathBuilder(article, collection){
console.log('article', article);
// console.log('collection', collection);
if (this.collections && this.collections[collection.collection] && this.collections[collection.collection].pathBuilder) {
return this.collections[collection.collection].pathBuilder(this.content.path, article, urlslug)
if (this._isHome(article, collection)) {
return `${this.content.path}`;
if (this._isBranch(article, collection) || this._isPage(article, collection)){
return `${this.content.path}/${collection.collection}`;
// console.log(article.date)
const datePrefix = article.date_created ? `${article.date_created.split('T')[0]}_` : '';
const [year, mouth, day] = article.date.split('-')
// console.log(year)
// return `${this.content.path}/${collection.collection}/${article.id}_${datePrefix}${urlslug(article.title, { remove: /\./g })}`;
return `${this.content.path}/actualites/${year}/${mouth}/${article.date.replaceAll('-', '_')}-${urlslug(article.title, { remove: /\./g })}`;
_isHome(article, collection){
return (collection.meta.singleton === true && collection.collection === this.content.home)
_isBranch(article, collection){
return (collection.meta.singleton === false && article.title.toLowerCase() === this.content.index)
// eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this
_isPage(article, collection){
return (collection.meta.singleton === true)
_formatFrontMatter(article, collection = {}){
let front = { ...article };
// Manipulate some variable property names
if (front.date_created){
front.date = front.date_created
delete front.date_created
if (front.date_updated){
front.lastmod = front.date_updated
delete front.date_updated
delete front.body
// Finally, transform from object to string
if (this.frontMatter === 'YAML'){
front = `---\r\n${yaml.safeDump(front).trim()}\r\n---\r\n`
return front
static _writeFileStream(path, readstream, passtrough = {}){
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const fileWriter = fs.createWriteStream(path);
fileWriter.on('finish', () => {
fileWriter.on('error', error => {
* @param {object} article
* @param {object} collection
* @returns {promise}
_importItem(originArticle, collection){
const article = { ...originArticle }
const itemPath = this.pathMethod(article, collection);
const indexName = this._isHome(article, collection) || this._isBranch(article, collection) || this._isPage(article, collection) ? '_index' : 'index'
// Only continue if this is a published article or we have explicitly set to import Drafts
// Archived items would be always discarded
if ((article.status === 'archived') || (article.draft === 'true' && this.buildDrafts === false)){
return Driver.emptyPromise();
// if ((article.status !== 'published') && (article.status === 'draft' && this.buildDrafts === false)){
// return Driver.emptyPromise();
// }
if (!fs.existsSync(itemPath)){
fs.mkdirSync(itemPath, { recursive: true });
const writePromises = []
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(article)){
// TODO: instead of trying to pull asset and hope for the best,
// crosscheck things with the /fields and play by the rules
if (typeof value === 'string' && value.match(uuidregex)) {
// console.log([key, value]);
const downloadPromise = this.directus.axios.get(`assets/${value}?download`, { responseType: 'stream' })
.then(response => {
const disposition = response.headers['content-disposition'].match(/filename="(.*)"/);
const downloadName = disposition ? disposition[1] : `${value}.${mime.extension(response.headers['content-type'])}`;
const savePath = `${itemPath}/${downloadName}`;
return Driver._writeFileStream(savePath, response.data, { key, downloadName })
.then(passtrough => {
article[passtrough.key] = passtrough.downloadName
.catch(error => {
if (error.response && error.response.status && error.response.status !== 403) {
console.error(error.response.status, error.response.statusText)
return Promise.all(writePromises).then(() => {
const frontMatter = this._formatFrontMatter(article, collection);
const itemContent = `${frontMatter}${article.body ? article.body.toString() : ''}`
fs.writeFileSync(`${itemPath}/${indexName}.md`, itemContent)
const col = this.directus.items(collection.collection).read() // TODO: IMPORTANT handle pagination when a lot of content in CMS
return col
.then(data => {
// normalize to always have an array of content.
const content = (collection.meta.singleton === true) ? [data.data] : data.data;
return content.map(article => this._importItem(article, collection))
import() {
console.info('Let\'s import from', this.url);
.then(() => this.getCollections())
.then(collections => {
if (this.collections) {
return collections.filter(collection => Object.keys(this.collections).includes(collection.collection))
return collections
.then(collections => {
return collections.map(collection => this._importCollection(collection))
.then(collectionPromises => {
return Promise.all(collectionPromises)
.catch(error => {
module.exports = Driver