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mailgun Mailgun: mailgun_domain docs-mailgun-resource-domain Provides a Mailgun App resource. This can be used to create and manage applications on Mailgun.


Provides a Mailgun App resource. This can be used to create and manage applications on Mailgun.

Example Usage

# Create a new mailgun domain
resource "mailgun_domain" "default" {
    name = "test.example.com"
    spam_action = "disabled"
    smtp_password = "foobar"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • name - (Required) The domain to add to Mailgun
  • smtp_password - (Required) Password for SMTP authentication
  • spam_action - (Optional) disabled or tag Disable, no spam filtering will occur for inbound messages. Tag, messages will be tagged wtih a spam header.
  • wildcard - (Optional) Boolean determines whether the domain will accept email for sub-domains.

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • name - The name of the domain.
  • smtp_login - The login email for the SMTP server.
  • smtp_password - The password to the SMTP server.
  • wildcard - Whether or not the domain will accept email for sub-domains.
  • spam_action - The spam filtering setting.
  • receiving_records - An array of DNS records for receiving validation.
    • priority - The priority of the record.
    • record_type - The record type.
    • valid - "valid" if the record is valid.
    • value - The value of the record.
  • sending_records - An arry of DNS records for sending validation.
    • name - The name of the record.
    • record_type - The record type.
    • valid - "valid" if the record is valid.
    • value - The value of the record.