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rabbitmq RabbitMQ: rabbitmq_policy docs-rabbitmq-resource-policy Creates and manages a policy on a RabbitMQ server.


The rabbitmq_policy resource creates and manages policies for exchanges and queues.

Example Usage

resource "rabbitmq_vhost" "test" {
    name = "test"

resource "rabbitmq_permissions" "guest" {
    user = "guest"
    vhost = "${rabbitmq_vhost.test.name}"
    permissions {
        configure = ".*"
        write = ".*"
        read = ".*"

resource "rabbitmq_policy" "test" {
    name = "test"
    vhost = "${rabbitmq_permissions.guest.vhost}"
    policy {
        pattern = ".*"
        priority = 0
        apply_to = "all"
        definition {
          ha-mode = "all"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • name - (Required) The name of the policy.

  • vhost - (Required) The vhost to create the resource in.

  • policy - (Required) The settings of the policy. The structure is described below.

The policy block supports:

  • pattern - (Required) A pattern to match an exchange or queue name.
  • priority - (Required) The policy with the greater priority is applied first.
  • apply_to - (Required) Can either be "exchange", "queues", or "all".
  • definition - (Required) Key/value pairs of the policy definition. See the RabbitMQ documentation for definition references and examples.

Attributes Reference

No further attributes are exported.


Policies can be imported using the id which is composed of name@vhost. E.g.

terraform import rabbitmq_policy.test name@vhost