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consul Provider: Consul docs-consul-index Consul is a tool for service discovery, configuration and orchestration. The Consul provider exposes resources used to interact with a Consul cluster. Configuration of the provider is optional, as it provides defaults for all arguments.

Consul Provider

Consul is a tool for service discovery, configuration and orchestration. The Consul provider exposes resources used to interact with a Consul cluster. Configuration of the provider is optional, as it provides defaults for all arguments.

Use the navigation to the left to read about the available resources.

Example Usage

# Configure the Consul provider
provider "consul" {
  address    = "demo.consul.io:80"
  datacenter = "nyc1"

# Access a key in Consul
resource "consul_keys" "app" {
  key {
    name    = "ami"
    path    = "service/app/launch_ami"
    default = "ami-1234"

# Use our variable from Consul
resource "aws_instance" "app" {
  ami = "${consul_keys.app.var.ami}"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • address - (Optional) The HTTP(S) API address of the agent to use. Defaults to "".
  • scheme - (Optional) The URL scheme of the agent to use ("http" or "https"). Defaults to "http".
  • datacenter - (Optional) The datacenter to use. Defaults to that of the agent.
  • token - (Optional) The ACL token to use by default when making requests to the agent.
  • ca_file - (Optional) A path to a PEM-encoded certificate authority used to verify the remote agent's certificate.
  • cert_file - (Optional) A path to a PEM-encoded certificate provided to the remote agent; requires use of key_file.
  • key_file- (Optional) A path to a PEM-encoded private key, required if cert_file is specified.