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pagerduty PagerDuty: pagerduty_on_call docs-pagerduty-datasource-on_call Get information about who's on call.


Use this data source to get all of the users on call in a given schedule.

Example Usage

resource "pagerduty_schedule" "foo" {
  name      = "Daily Engineering Rotation"
  time_zone = "America/New_York"

  layer {
    name                         = "Night Shift"
    start                        = "2015-11-06T20:00:00-05:00"
    rotation_virtual_start       = "2015-11-06T20:00:00-05:00"
    rotation_turn_length_seconds = 86400
    users                        = ["${pagerduty_user.foo.id}"]

    restriction {
      type              = "daily_restriction"
      start_time_of_day = "08:00:00"
      duration_seconds  = 32400

data "pagerduty_on_call" "on_call" {}

resource "pagerduty_team" "on_call" {
  name        = "On call"
  description = "Primarily used by ${data.pagerduty_on_call.oncalls.0.id}"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • time_zone - (Optional) Time zone in which dates in the result will be rendered.
  • include - (Optional) List of of additional details to include. Can be escalation_policies, users, schedules.
  • user_ids - (Optional) Filters the results, showing only on-calls for the specified user IDs.
  • escalation_policy_ids - (Optional) Filters the results, showing only on-calls for the specified escalation policy IDs.
  • user_ids - (Optional) Filters the results, showing only on-calls for the specified schedule IDs.
  • since - (Optional) The start of the time range over which you want to search. If an on-call period overlaps with the range, it will be included in the result. Defaults to current time. The search range cannot exceed 3 months.
  • until - (Optional) The end of the time range over which you want to search. If an on-call period overlaps with the range, it will be included in the result. Defaults to current time. The search range cannot exceed 3 months, and the until time cannot be before the since time.
  • earliest - (Optional) This will filter on-calls such that only the earliest on-call for each combination of escalation policy, escalation level, and user is returned. This is useful for determining when the "next" on-calls are for a given set of filters.

Attributes Reference

  • oncalls - A list of on-call entries during a given time range.