
1022 B

0.13.0 (Unreleased)


  • command/import: remove the deprecated -provider command line argument [GH-24090] #22862 fixed a bug where the import command was not properly attaching the configured provider for a resource to be imported, making the -provider command line argument unnecessary.
  • config: Inside provisioner blocks that have when = destroy set, and inside any connection blocks that are used by such provisioner blocks, it is now an error to refer to any objects other than self, count, or each [GH-24083]
  • config: The merge function now returns more precise type information, making it usable for values passed to for_each [GH-24032]


  • core: Instances are now destroyed only using their stored state, removing many cycle errors [GH-24083]

For information on prior major releases, see their changelogs: