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alicloud Alicloud: alicloud_slb_attachment docs-alicloud-resource-slb-attachment Provides an Application Load Banlancer Attachment resource.


Provides an Application Load Balancer Attachment resource.

Example Usage

# Create a new load balancer attachment for classic
resource "alicloud_slb" "default" {
	# Other parameters...

resource "alicloud_instance" "default" {
	# Other parameters...

resource "alicloud_slb_attachment" "default" {
	slb_id = "${alicloud_slb.default.id}"
	instances = ["${alicloud_instance.default.id}"]

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • slb_id - (Required) The ID of the SLB..
  • instances - (Required) A list of instance ids to added backend server in the SLB. If dettachment instances then this value set [].

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • backend_servers - The backend servers of the load balancer.