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layout: "language" page_title: "textencodebase64 - Functions - Configuration Language" sidebar_current: "docs-funcs-encoding-textencodebase64" description: |- The textencodebase64 function encodes the unicode characters in a given string using a specified character encoding, returning the result base64 encoded.

textencodebase64 Function

-> Note: This function is supported only in Terraform v0.14 and later.

textencodebase64 encodes the unicode characters in a given string using a specified character encoding, returning the result base64 encoded because Terraform language strings are always sequences of unicode characters.

substr(string, encoding_name)

Terraform uses the "standard" Base64 alphabet as defined in RFC 4648 section 4.

The encoding_name argument must contain one of the encoding names or aliases recorded in the IANA character encoding registry. Terraform supports only a subset of the registered encodings, and the encoding support may vary between Terraform versions. In particular Terraform supports UTF-16LE, which is the native character encoding for the Windows API and therefore sometimes expected by Windows-originated software such as PowerShell.

Terraform also accepts the encoding name UTF-8, which will produce the same result as base64encode.


> textencodebase64("Hello World", "UTF-16LE")
  • textdecodebase64 performs the opposite operation, decoding Base64 data and interpreting it as a particular character encoding.
  • base64encode applies Base64 encoding of the UTF-8 encoding of a string.
  • filebase64 reads a file from the local filesystem and returns its raw bytes with Base64 encoding, without creating an intermediate Unicode string.