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docs Provisioner: remote-exec docs-provisioners-remote

remote-exec Provisioner

The remote-exec provisioner invokes a script on a remote resource after it is created. This can be used to run a configuration management tool, bootstrap into a cluster, etc. To invoke a local process, see the local-exec provisioner instead. The remote-exec provisioner only supports ssh type connections.

Example usage

# Run puppet and join our Consul cluster
resource "aws_instance" "web" {
    provisioner "remote-exec" {
        inline = [
        "puppet apply",
        "consul join ${aws_instance.web.private_ip}"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • inline - This is a list of command strings. They are executed in the order they are provided. This cannot be provided with script or scripts.

  • script - This is a path (relative or absolute) to a local script that will be copied to the remote resource and then executed. This cannot be provided with inline or scripts.

  • scripts - This is a list of paths (relative or absolute) to local scripts that will be copied to the remote resource and then executed. They are executed in the order they are provided. This cannot be provided with inline or script.