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packet Packet: packet_project docs-packet-resource-project Provides a Packet Project resource.


Provides a Packet Project resource to allow you manage devices in your projects.

Example Usage

# Create a new Project
resource "packet_project" "tf_project_1" {
    name = "Terraform Fun"
    payment_method = "payment-method-id"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • name - (Required) The name of the Project in Packet.net
  • payment_method - (Required) The id of the payment method on file to use for services created on this project.

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • id - The unique ID of the project
  • payment_method - The id of the payment method on file to use for services created on this project.
  • created - The timestamp for when the Project was created
  • updated - The timestamp for the last time the Project was updated