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docs Command: graph docs-commands-graph The `terraform graph` command is used to generate a visual representation of either a configuration or execution plan. The output is in the DOT format, which can be used by GraphViz to generate charts.

Command: graph

The terraform graph command is used to generate a visual representation of either a configuration or execution plan. The output is in the DOT format, which can be used by GraphViz to generate charts.


Usage: terraform graph [options] PATH

Outputs the visual graph of Terraform resources. If the path given is the path to a configuration, the dependency graph of the resources are shown. If the path is a plan file, then the dependency graph of the plan itself is shown.


  • -module-depth=n - The maximum depth to expand modules. By default this is zero, which will not expand modules at all.

Generating Images

The output of terraform graph is in the DOT format, which can easily be converted to an image by making use of dot provided by GraphViz:

$ terraform graph | dot -Tpng > graph.png

Alternatively, the web-based GraphViz Workspace can be used to quickly render DOT file inputs as well.

Here is an example graph output: Graph Example