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clc clc: clc_server docs-clc-resource-server Manages the lifecycle of a CLC server.


Manages a CLC server.

See also Complete API documentation.

Example Usage

# Provision a server
resource "clc_server" "node" {
  name_template = "trusty"
  source_server_id = "UBUNTU-14-64-TEMPLATE"
  group_id = "${clc_group.frontends.id}"
  cpu = 2
  memory_mb = 2048
  password = "Green123$"
        path = "/var"
        size_gb = 100
        type = "partitioned"
        size_gb = 10
        type = "raw"

output "server_id" {
  value = "clc_server.node.id"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • name_template - (Required, string) The basename of the server. A unique name will be generated by the platform.
  • source_server_id - (Required, string) The name or ID of the base OS image. Examples: "ubuntu-14-64-template", "rhel-7-64-template", "win2012r2dtc-64"
  • group_id - (Required, string) The name or ID of the server group to spawn server into.
  • cpu - (Required, int) The number of virtual cores
  • memory_mb - (Required, int) Provisioned RAM
  • type - (Required, string) The virtualization type One of "standard", "hyperscale", "bareMetal"
  • password - (Optional, string) The root/adminstrator password. Will be generated by platform if not provided.
  • description - (Optional, string) Description for server (visible in control portal only)
  • power_state - (Optional, string) See PowerStates below for details. If absent, defaults to started.
  • private_ip_address - (Optional, string) Set internal IP address. If absent, allocated and assigned from pool.
  • network_id - (Optional, string) GUID of network to use. (Must be set up in advance from control portal.) When absent, the default network will be used.
  • storage_type - (Optional, string) Backup and replication strategy for disks. One of "standard", "premium"
  • additional_disks - (Optional) See Disks below for details.
  • custom_fields - (Optional) See CustomFields below for details.
  • metadata - (Optional) Misc state storage for non-CLC metadata.


power_state may be used to set initial power state or modify existing instances.

  • on | started - machine powered on
  • off | stopped - machine powered off forcefully
  • paused - freeze machine: memory, processes, billing, monitoring.
  • shutdown - shutdown gracefully
  • reboot - restart gracefully
  • reset - restart forcefully


additional_disks is a block within the configuration that may be repeated to specify the attached disks on a server. Each additional_disks block supports the following:

  • type - (Required, string) Either "raw" or "partitioned".
  • size_gb - (Required, int) Size of allocated disk.
  • path - (Required, string, type:partitioned) The mountpoint for the disk.


custom_fields is a block within the configuration that may be repeated to bind custom fields for a server. CustomFields need be set up in advance. Each custom_fields block supports the following:

  • id - (Required, string) The ID of the custom field to set.
  • value - (Required, string) The value for the specified field.