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azure Provider: Azure docs-azure-index The Azure provider is used to interact with the many resources supported by Azure. The provider needs to be configured with a publish settings file and optionally a subscription ID before it can be used.

Azure Provider

The Azure provider is used to interact with the many resources supported by Azure. The provider needs to be configured with a publish settings file and optionally a subscription ID before it can be used.

Use the navigation to the left to read about the available resources.

Example Usage

# Configure the Azure Provider
provider "azure" {
  settings_file = "${file("credentials.publishsettings")}"

# Create a web server
resource "azure_instance" "web" {

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • settings_file - (Required) Contents of a valid publishsettings file, used to authenticate with the Azure API. You can download the settings file here: https://manage.windowsazure.com/publishsettings. You must either provide (or source from the AZURE_SETTINGS_FILE environment variable) a settings file or both a subscription_id and certificate.

  • subscription_id - (Optional) The subscription ID to use. If a settings_file is not provided subscription_id is required. It can also be sourced from the AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID environment variable.

  • certificate - (Optional) The certificate used to authenticate with the Azure API. If a settings_file is not provided certificate is required. It can also be sourced from the AZURE_CERTIFICATE environment variable.


The following environment variables must be set for the running of the acceptance test suite:

  • A valid combination of the above which are required for authentification.

  • AZURE_STORAGE - The name of a storage account to be used in tests which require a storage backend. The storage account needs to be located in the Western US Azure region.