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ultradns UltraDNS: ultradns_rdpool docs-ultradns-resource-rdpool Provides an UltraDNS Resource Distribution pool resource.


Provides an UltraDNS Resource Distribution (RD) pool resource, which are used to define rules for returning multiple A or AAAA records for a given owner name. Ordering can be FIXED, RANDOM or ROUND_ROBIN.

Example Usage

# Create a Resource Distribution pool

resource "ultradns_rdpool" "pool" {
  zone        = "${var.ultradns_domain}"
  name        = "terraform-rdpool"
  ttl         = 600
  description = "Example RD Pool"
  order       = "ROUND_ROBIN"
  rdata       = [ "", "" ]

Argument Reference

See related part of UltraDNS Docs for details about valid values.

The following arguments are supported:

  • zone - (Required) The domain to add the record to
  • name - (Required) The name of the record
  • order - (Required) Ordering rule, one of FIXED, RANDOM or ROUND_ROBIN
  • rdata - (Required) list ip addresses.
  • description - (Optional) Description of the Resource Distribution pool. Valid values are strings less than 256 characters.
  • ttl - (Optional) The TTL of the pool in seconds. Default: 3600.

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • id - The record ID
  • hostname - The FQDN of the record