these changes were added to reflect what was required to run the tutorial on my local machine. Below is my context for the above changes:
[2016-03-04T18:22:44] micperez in terraform_test
λ terraform remote config -backend-config="name=puhrez/getting-started"
missing 'access_token' configuration or ATLAS_TOKEN environmental variable
If the error message above mentions requiring or modifying configuration
options, these are set using the `-backend-config` flag. Example:
-backend-config="name=foo" to set the `name` configuration
[2016-03-04T18:23:27] micperez in terraform_test
[2016-03-04T18:24:12] micperez in terraform_test
λ terraform remote config -backend-config="name=puhrez/getting-started"
Remote state management enabled
Remote state configured and pulled.
[2016-03-04T18:24:16] micperez in terraform_test
λ terraform push -name="puhrez/getting-started"
An error has occurred while archiving the module for uploading:
error detecting VCS: no VCS found for path: /Users/micperez/code/terraform_test
[2016-03-04T18:24:39] micperez in terraform_test
λ git init
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/micperez/code/terraform_test/.git/
[2016-03-04T18:25:09] micperez in terraform_test [git:master]
λ terraform push -name="puhrez/getting-started"
An error has occurred while archiving the module for uploading:
error getting git commit: exit status 128
stderr: fatal: bad default revision 'HEAD'
[2016-03-04T18:25:12] micperez in terraform_test [git:master]
λ git status
On branch master
Initial commit
Untracked files:
(use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)
[2016-03-04T18:25:17] micperez in terraform_test [git:master]
λ git add
[2016-03-04T18:25:24] micperez in terraform_test [git:master]
λ git commit -m "init commit"
[master (root-commit) 34c4fa5] init commit
1 file changed, 10 insertions(+)
create mode 100644
[2016-03-04T18:25:32] micperez in terraform_test [git:master]
λ terraform push -name="puhrez/getting-started"
Uploading Terraform configuration...
Configuration "puhrez/getting-started" uploaded! (v1)
Acceptance tests for Pubsub topics and subscriptions failed after
incorrectly determining that resources were not deleted in the
CheckDestroy phase.
Fixes 5437
The GCE API for creating VPN tunnels began validating the `peerIp` field
and rejecting RFC5735 addresses. The previous test was using one of
these addresses and failing as a result. This commit uses
for the peerIp.