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GitHub release Build Status Netlify

Hugo starter helping you build kick-ass documentation websites.

What you get


Make sure all dependencies have been installed:

  • Hugo >= 0.69.0/extended
  • Node.js >= 13.11.0
  • npm >= 6.13.7
  • Yarn >= 1.22.4 (recommended)

Getting started

Create a new Doks project:

$ git clone git@github.com:h-enk/doks.git my-doks-site

Install dependencies:

# @ my-doks-site/
$ yarn install

Build development theme with live reloading and injection:

# @ my-doks-site/
$ yarn start

Other commands

  • yarn lint:styles - Check Sass for errors
  • yarn lint:scripts - Check JavaScript for errors
  • yarn clean - Delete temporary directories
  • yarn build - Build production theme
