feat: update for doks 1.0.0-beta.1
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ disableAliases = true
disableHugoGeneratorInject = true
# disableKinds = ["taxonomy", "term"]
enableEmoji = true
enableGitInfo = false
enableGitInfo = true
enableRobotsTXT = true
languageCode = "en-US"
paginate = 10
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ summarylength = 20 # 70 (default)
# Multilingual
defaultContentLanguage = "en"
disableLanguages = ["de", "nl"]
# defaultContentLanguageInSubdir = true
defaultContentLanguageInSubdir = false
home = ["HTML", "RSS", "searchIndex"]
@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
# Color mode
colorMode = "auto" # auto (default), light or dark (the light and dark options are only relevant when forceColorMode = true)
colorModeToggler = true # false (default) or true (this setting is only relevant when forceColorMode = false)
forceColorMode = false # false (default) or true
colorMode = "auto" # auto (default), light or dark
colorModeToggler = true # true (default) or false (this setting is only relevant when colorMode = auto)
# Navbar
navbarSticky = true # false (default) or true
containerBreakpoint = "xxl" # "", "sm", "md", "lg" (default), "xl", "xxl", or "fluid"
navbarSticky = true # true (default) or false
containerBreakpoint = "lg" # "", "sm", "md", "lg" (default), "xl", "xxl", or "fluid"
## Button
navBarButton = false # false (default) or true
@ -35,24 +34,44 @@ sectionNav = ["docs"] # ["docs"] (default) or list of sections (e.g. ["docs", "g
toTopButton = false # false (default) or true
breadcrumbTrail = false # false (default) or true
headlineHash = true # true (default) or false
scrollSpy = true # false (default) or true
scrollSpy = true # true (default) or false
# Multilingual
multilingualMode = false # false (default) or true
# Versioning
docsVersioning = false # false (default) or true
docsVersion = "1.0"
# UX
headerBar = true # true (default) or false
backgroundDots = true # true (default) or false
# Homepage
sectionFooter = false # true (default) or false
sectionFooter = false # false (default) or true
# Blog
relatedPosts = false # false (default) or true
# Footer
footer = "Powered by <a class=\"text-muted\" href=\"https://www.netlify.com/\">Netlify</a>, <a class=\"text-muted\" href=\"https://gohugo.io/\">Hugo</a>, and <a class=\"text-muted\" href=\"https://getdoks.org/\">Doks</a>"
# kaTex
kaTex = false
# Repository
repoHost = "GitHub" # GitHub (default), Gitea, GitLab, Bitbucket, or BitbucketServer
docsRepo = "https://github.com/h-enk/doks"
docsRepoBranch = "main"
docsRepoSubPath = ""
editPage = false # false (default) or true
lastMod = false # false (default) or true
auto = true
collapsibleSidebar = true
# backGround = "yellowgreen"
@ -65,4 +84,3 @@ relatedPosts = false # false (default) or true
## Light theme
# textLight = "#1d2d35" # "#1d2d35" (default), "#1d2d35" (orignal), or custom color
# accentLight = "#8ed6fb" # "#8ed6fb" (default), "#8ed6fb" (orignal), or custom color
@ -0,0 +1 @@
# See .config/_default/params.toml
@ -0,0 +1 @@
# See .config/_default/params.toml
@ -1,23 +1,27 @@
# Meta Data for SEO
# Hyas (gethyas)
## Feed
copyRight = "Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Henk Verlinde"
# SEO (@hyas/seo)
## Homepage
title = "Doks"
titleSeparator = "-"
titleSeparator = "-" # - (default)
titleAddition = "Modern Documentation Theme"
description = "Hyas is a Hugo starter helping you build modern websites that are secure, fast, and SEO-ready — by default."
description = "Doks is a Hyas theme for building custom, production-ready documentation websites." # Default description
## Open Graph
images = ["hyas.png"]
ogLocale = "en_US"
titleHome = "Hyas Hugo Starter"
titleHome = "Modern Documentation Theme"
## Twitter Cards
twitterSite = "@gethyas"
twitterCreator = "@henkverlinde"
# schemaType = "Person"
schemaType = "Organization"
schemaType = "Organization" # Organization (default) or Person
schemaName = "Hyas"
schemaAuthor = "Henk Verlinde"
schemaAuthorTwitter = "https://twitter.com/henkverlinde"
@ -34,80 +38,21 @@ schemaTwitter = "https://twitter.com/gethyas"
schemaLinkedIn = ""
schemaGitHub = "https://github.com/h-enk/hyas"
# Feed
copyRight = "Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Henk Verlinde"
# Images (@hyas/images)
# Footer
footer = "Powered by <a class=\"text-muted\" href=\"https://www.netlify.com/\">Netlify</a>, <a class=\"text-muted\" href=\"https://gohugo.io/\">Hugo</a>, and <a class=\"text-muted\" href=\"https://getdoks.org/\">Doks</a>"
## Documentation
# docsVersion = "1.0"
# Edit Page
# repoHost [Github | Gitea | GitLab | Bitbucket | BitbucketServer ] is used for building the edit link based on git hoster
repoHost = "GitHub"
#repoHost = "Gitea"
docsRepo = "https://github.com/h-enk/doks"
docsRepoBranch = "master"
docsRepoSubPath = ""
editPage = true
lastMod = false
# Images
## defaultImage
defaultImage = "default-image.jpg" # put in `./assets/images/`
## imaging
anchor = 'Smart'
bgColor = '#fff'
hint = 'photo'
quality = 95
resampleFilter = 'Lanczos'
## lazyimg
resizer = "auto"
renderer = "lqip-webp"
renderer = "lqip-webp" # "lqip (default)"
# Resizer options:
lqipSize = "120x Gaussian"
# maxSize = "1920x"
maxSize = "1366x"
maxSize = "1024x" # "1920x" (default)
responsiveSizes = [ "320x", "640x", "768x", "1024x", "1366x", "1600x", "1920x" ]
resizeOptions = "Lanczos q95"
# Renderer options:
class = "img-fluid"
# alt = ""
# alt = "" # Default alt tag
noscript = true
errorHandler = "warning"
sectionNav = ["docs", "guides", "books"]
lazySizes = true # no longer an option (included by default)
clipBoard = true # no longer an option (included by default)
instantPage = false # no longer an option (replaced with quicklink, included by default)
flexSearch = true # new setup
searchSectionsShow = [] # new setup
searchSectionsIndex = [] # new setup
darkMode = true # new setup
bootStrapJs = true # new setup
breadCrumb = false # new setup
highLight = false # no longer an option (dropped, use Hugo's Chroma syntax highlighting)
kaTex = false
multilingualMode = false
docsVersioning = false
fullWidth = false # new setup
navbarSticky = true # same option
toTopButton = false # new setup (included by default)
scrollSpy = false # experimental; needs Bootstrap >= 5.2.0-beta1
auto = true
collapsibleSidebar = true
errorHandler = "warning" # "warning-remote" (default)
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ module.exports = {
@ -38,6 +38,8 @@ module.exports = {
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
title : "Modern Documentation Theme"
description: "Jumpstart your next documentation project with Doks. Build a customized, production-ready documentation website in no time."
lead: "Jumpstart your next documentation project with Doks. Build a customized, production-ready documentation website in no time."
description: "Jumpstart your next documentation project with Doks. Build a custom, production-ready documentation website in no time."
lead: "Jumpstart your next documentation project with Doks. Build a custom, production-ready documentation website in no time."
date: 2020-10-06T08:47:36+00:00
lastmod: 2020-10-06T08:47:36+00:00
draft: false
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
title: "Doks 1.0"
slug: "doks-1"
description: ""
summary: "Doks 1.0 is here! Doks is a Hyas theme for building customizable, production-ready documentation websites."
summary: "Doks 1.0 is here! Doks is a Hyas theme for building custom, production-ready documentation websites."
date: 2023-05-17T09:15:34+02:00
lastmod: 2023-05-17T09:15:34+02:00
draft: false
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
title: "Post With Image"
description: ""
summary: ""
date: 2023-05-25T09:57:19+02:00
lastmod: 2023-05-25T09:57:19+02:00
draft: false
weight: 50
images: ["kris-mikael-krister-aGihPIbrtVE-unsplash.jpg"]
categories: []
tags: []
contributors: []
pinned: false
homepage: false
Binary file not shown.
After Width: | Height: | Size: 1.3 MiB |
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ Refer to the [basic syntax](https://www.markdownguide.org/basic-syntax) referenc
## Image




Binary file not shown.
After Width: | Height: | Size: 1.3 MiB |
Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 79 KiB |
Binary file not shown.
After Width: | Height: | Size: 3.6 MiB |
@ -34,12 +34,16 @@ The [SVG](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG) gets embedded into t
Add e.g. a logo from the `assets` directory:
{{</* svg icon="svgs/logos/logo-netlify-small-monochrome-lightmode.svg" width="192px" height="79px" class="icon-custom netlify-logo" */>}}
{{</* svg icon="svgs/logos/logo-netlify-small-fullcolor-lightmode.svg" width="192px" height="79px" class="icon-custom icon-lightmode" */>}}
{{</* svg icon="svgs/logos/logo-netlify-small-fullcolor-darkmode.svg" width="192px" height="79px" class="icon-custom icon-darkmode" */>}}
{{< svg icon="svgs/logos/logo-netlify-small-monochrome-lightmode.svg" width="192px" height="79px" class="icon-custom netlify-logo" >}}
{{< svg icon="svgs/logos/logo-netlify-small-fullcolor-lightmode.svg" width="192px" height="79px" class="icon-custom icon-lightmode" >}}
### Page resources
{{< svg icon="svgs/logos/logo-netlify-small-fullcolor-darkmode.svg" width="192px" height="79px" class="icon-custom icon-darkmode" >}}
### Page resource
{{< callout icon="info-circle" >}}
Refer to [page resources](https://gohugo.io/content-management/page-resources/) and [page bundles](https://gohugo.io/content-management/page-bundles/) for more information.
@ -49,10 +53,10 @@ Add e.g a monogram
{{</* svg icon="logo-netlify-monogram-monochrome-lightmode.svg" width="64px" height="57px" class="icon-custom netlify-monogram" */>}}
{{</* svg icon="logo-netlify-monogram-monochrome-lightmode.svg" width="64px" height="57px" class="icon-custom icon-monochrome" */>}}
{{< svg icon="logo-netlify-monogram-monochrome-lightmode.svg" width="64px" height="57px" class="icon-custom netlify-monogram" >}}
{{< svg icon="logo-netlify-monogram-monochrome-lightmode.svg" width="64px" height="57px" class="icon-custom icon-monochrome" >}}
### Tabler icons
@ -63,18 +67,18 @@ Copy the icon name from [Tabler Icons](https://tabler-icons.io/) by clicking on
Add a Tabler icon:
{{</* svg "rubber-stamp" */>}}
{{</* svg "hand-rock" */>}}
{{< svg "rubber-stamp" >}}
{{< svg "hand-rock" >}}
Specify [SVG attributes](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Attribute), for example:
{{</* svg icon="rubber-stamp" stroke-width="1" height="3rem" width="3rem" class="icon-custom" */>}}
{{</* svg icon="hand-rock" stroke-width="1" stroke="#ee52b7" height="3rem" width="3rem" class="icon-custom" */>}}
{{< svg icon="rubber-stamp" stroke-width="1" height="3rem" width="3rem" class="icon-custom" >}}
{{< svg icon="hand-rock" stroke-width="1" stroke="#ee52b7" height="3rem" width="3rem" class="icon-custom" >}}
## Callouts
@ -159,13 +163,13 @@ You can change the commands in the scripts section of `./package.json`.
## Details
{{</* details "How will we conduct IEP and 504 meetings?" */>}}
All meetings will be held *remotely*.
{{</* details "Details" */>}}
Something small enough to escape casual notice.
{{</* /details */>}}
{{< details "How will we conduct IEP and 504 meetings?" >}}
All meetings will be held *remotely*.
{{< details "Details" >}}
Something small enough to escape casual notice.
{{< /details >}}
### Start in open state
@ -264,10 +268,30 @@ yarn install
{{< /tab >}}
{{< /tabs >}}
## Image
### Assets directory
Add an image from the assets directory:
{{</* lazyimg img="images/bozhin-karaivanov-3HnVKfQZGTQ-unsplash.jpg" alt="Red raspberry" */>}}
{{< lazyimg img="images/bozhin-karaivanov-3HnVKfQZGTQ-unsplash.jpg" alt="Red raspberry" >}}
### Page resource
{{</* lazyimg img="bozhin-karaivanov-zs6GW81O538-unsplash.jpg" alt="Red apples on a tree" */>}}
{{< lazyimg img="bozhin-karaivanov-zs6GW81O538-unsplash.jpg" alt="Red apples on a tree" >}}
## Video
{{</* video ratio="16x9" attributes="controls autoplay muted" webm-src="videos/flower.webm" mp4-src="videos/flower.mp4" */>}}
{{</* video src="flower" autoplay="true" muted="true" */>}}
{{< video ratio="16x9" attributes="controls autoplay muted" webm-src="videos/flower.webm" mp4-src="videos/flower.mp4" >}}
{{< video src="flower" autoplay="true" muted="true" >}}
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ toc: true
## What is Doks?
Doks is a [Hyas](https://gethyas.com/) theme for building customizable, production-ready documentation websites.
Doks is a [Hyas](https://gethyas.com/) theme for building custom, production-ready documentation websites.
## Key Features
@ -3,3 +3,6 @@ other = "Loslegen"
other = "Auf dieser Seite"
other = "Ihr Browser unterstützt keine integrierten Videos, aber keine Sorge, Sie können <a href=\"{{ .RelPermalink }}\">es herunterladen</a> und mit Ihrem Lieblings-Videoplayer ansehen!"
@ -27,3 +27,6 @@ other = "The page you are looking for doesn't exist or has been moved."
other = "Browse"
other = "Your browser doesn't support embedded videos, but don't worry, you can <a href=\"{{ .RelPermalink }}\">download it</a> and watch it with your favorite video player!"
@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
# Customizations
Customizations for the [Doks Core](https://github.com/gethyas/doks-core) plugin go here.
Customizations for the [Doks Core](https://github.com/gethyas/doks-core) integration go here.
## Usage
Copy the file(s) you'd like to override from `./node_modules/@hyas/doks-core/` and paste to `./plugins/doks-core/`. Make sure to keep the folder structure.
Copy the file(s) you'd like to override from `./node_modules/@hyas/doks-core/` and paste to `./integrations/doks-core/`. Make sure to keep the folder structure.
Supported folders are: `assets` and `layouts`.
Supported folders are: `archetypes`, `assets` and `layouts`.
## Mounting settings
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
# Customizations
Customizations for the [Images](https://github.com/gethyas/images) plugin go here.
Customizations for the [Images](https://github.com/gethyas/images) integration go here.
## Usage
Copy the file(s) you'd like to override from `./node_modules/@hyas/images/` and paste to `./plugins/images/`. Make sure to keep the folder structure.
Copy the file(s) you'd like to override from `./node_modules/@hyas/images/` and paste to `./integrations/images/`. Make sure to keep the folder structure.
Supported folders are: `layouts`.
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
# Customizations
Customizations for the [SEO](https://github.com/gethyas/seo) plugin go here.
Customizations for the [SEO](https://github.com/gethyas/seo) integration go here.
## Usage
Copy the file(s) you'd like to override from `./node_modules/@hyas/seo/` and paste to `./plugins/seo/`. Make sure to keep the folder structure.
Copy the file(s) you'd like to override from `./node_modules/@hyas/seo/` and paste to `./integrations/seo/`. Make sure to keep the folder structure.
Supported folders are: `layouts`.
@ -1,21 +1,19 @@
"name": "doks-recommended",
"version": "1.0.0-alpha2",
"description": "Doks theme with recommended plugins",
"name": "doks",
"version": "1.0.0-beta.1",
"description": "Doks theme",
"main": "index.js",
"scripts": {
"predev": "npm run clean:build",
"dev": "exec-bin node_modules/.bin/hugo/hugo server --gc --bind= --disableFastRender --baseURL=http://localhost --noHTTPCache",
"dev:gitpod": "exec-bin node_modules/.bin/hugo/hugo server --gc --disableFastRender --baseUrl $(gp url 1313) --liveReloadPort=443 --appendPort=false --bind=",
"dev": "exec-bin node_modules/.bin/hugo/hugo server --bind= --disableFastRender --baseURL=http://localhost --noHTTPCache",
"dev:gitpod": "exec-bin node_modules/.bin/hugo/hugo server --disableFastRender --baseUrl $(gp url 1313) --liveReloadPort=443 --appendPort=false --bind=",
"create": "exec-bin node_modules/.bin/hugo/hugo new",
"check": "npm run check:scripts && npm run check:markdown",
"check:scripts": "eslint config",
"check": "npm run check:markdown",
"check:scripts": "eslint themes/doks/assets/js",
"check:styles": "stylelint \"themes/doks/assets/scss/**/*.{css,sass,scss}\"",
"check:markdown": "markdownlint-cli2 \"*.md\" \"content/**/*.md\"",
"fix:markdown": "markdownlint-cli2-fix \"*.md\" \"content/**/*.md\"",
"test": "npm run check",
"prebuild": "npm run clean:build",
"build": "exec-bin node_modules/.bin/hugo/hugo --gc --minify",
"build": "exec-bin node_modules/.bin/hugo/hugo --minify",
"preview": "http-server --gzip --brotli --ext=html --cors",
"clean": "npm run clean:build && npm run clean:install",
"clean:build": "shx rm -rf public resources .hugo_build.lock",
@ -42,10 +40,8 @@
"homepage": "https://github.com/hyas/doks#readme",
"devDependencies": {
"@hyas/doks-core": "^0.1.7",
"@hyas/images": "^0.3.2",
"@hyas/seo": "^0.1.3",
"@hyas/doks-core": "^0.1.8",
"auto-changelog": "^2.4.0",
"gethyas": "^2.0.5"
"shx": "^0.3.4"
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
# Customizations
**Major** customizations for the [Doks Core](https://github.com/gethyas/doks-core) plugin go here.
**Major** customizations for the [Doks Core](https://github.com/gethyas/doks-core) integration go here.
## Usage
Copy the file(s) you'd like to override from `./node_modules/@hyas/doks-core/` and paste to `./themes/doks/`. Make sure to keep the folder structure.
Supported folders are: `assets` and `layouts`.
Supported folders are: `archetypes`, `assets`, and `layouts`.
## Mounting settings
Reference in New Issue