feat: add hugothemes reqs

This commit is contained in:
Henk Verlinde 2020-12-04 18:01:10 +01:00
parent cc6248722a
commit b3afb4b405
46 changed files with 600 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
baseurl = "/"
disableAliases = true
disableHugoGeneratorInject = true
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enableGitInfo = false
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languageCode = "en-US"
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filename = "sitemap.xml"
priority = 0.5
contributor = "contributors"
blog = "/blog/:title/"
source = "assets"
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source = "static"
target = "static"
source = "node_modules/lazysizes"
target = "assets/js/vendor/lazysizes"
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source = "node_modules/flexsearch"
target = "assets/js/vendor/flexsearch"
source = "node_modules/clipboard"
target = "assets/js/vendor/clipboard"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
name = "Prologue"
weight = 10
identifier = "prologue"
url = "/docs/prologue/"
name = "Help"
weight = 60
identifier = "help"
url = "/docs/help/"
name = "Docs"
url = "/docs/prologue/introduction/"
weight = 10
name = "Blog"
url = "/blog/"
weight = 20
# [[social]]
# name = "Twitter"
# pre = "<svg xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\" width=\"20\" height=\"20\" viewBox=\"0 0 24 24\" fill=\"none\" stroke=\"currentColor\" stroke-width=\"2\" stroke-linecap=\"round\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\" class=\"feather feather-twitter\"><path d=\"M23 3a10.9 10.9 0 0 1-3.14 1.53 4.48 4.48 0 0 0-7.86 3v1A10.66 10.66 0 0 1 3 4s-4 9 5 13a11.64 11.64 0 0 1-7 2c9 5 20 0 20-11.5a4.5 4.5 0 0 0-.08-.83A7.72 7.72 0 0 0 23 3z\"></path></svg>"
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# weight = 10
name = "GitHub"
pre = "<svg xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\" width=\"20\" height=\"20\" viewBox=\"0 0 24 24\" fill=\"none\" stroke=\"currentColor\" stroke-width=\"2\" stroke-linecap=\"round\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\" class=\"feather feather-github\"><path d=\"M9 19c-5 1.5-5-2.5-7-3m14 6v-3.87a3.37 3.37 0 0 0-.94-2.61c3.14-.35 6.44-1.54 6.44-7A5.44 5.44 0 0 0 20 4.77 5.07 5.07 0 0 0 19.91 1S18.73.65 16 2.48a13.38 13.38 0 0 0-7 0C6.27.65 5.09 1 5.09 1A5.07 5.07 0 0 0 5 4.77a5.44 5.44 0 0 0-1.5 3.78c0 5.42 3.3 6.61 6.44 7A3.37 3.37 0 0 0 9 18.13V22\"></path></svg>"
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weight = 20
# [[footer]]
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# weight = 10

View File

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
# Meta Data for SEO
## Homepage
title = "Doks"
titleSeparator = "-"
titleAddition = "Modern Documentation Theme"
description = "Doks is a Hugo theme helping you build modern documentation websites that are secure, fast, and SEO-ready — by default."
## Open Graph + Twitter Cards
images = ["doks.png"]
twitterSite = "henkverlinde"
twitterCreator = "henkverlinde"
facebookAuthor = "verlinde.henk"
facebookPublisher = "verlinde.henk"
ogLocale = "en_US"
schemaType = "Organization"
schemaLogo = "logo-doks.png"
schemaTwitter = "https://twitter.com/henkverlinde"
schemaLinkedIn = "https://www.linkedin.com/in/henkverlinde/"
schemaGitHub = "https://github.com/h-enk"
schemaSection = "blog"
## Sitelinks Search Box
siteLinksSearchBox = false
## Chrome Browser
themeColor = "#fff"
# Images
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# Footer
footer = "Powered by <a href=\"https://www.netlify.com/\">Netlify</a>, <a href=\"https://gohugo.io/\">Hugo</a>, and <a href=\"https://getdoks.org/\">Doks</a>"
# Alert
alert = false
alertText = "Like Doks? <a class=\"alert-link\" href=\"https://github.com/h-enk/doks/stargazers\">Star on GitHub</a>. Thanks!</a>"
# Edit Page
docsRepo = "https://github.com/h-enk/doks"
editPage = false

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
title : "Modern Documentation Theme"
description: "Doks is a Hugo theme helping you build modern documentation websites that are secure, fast, and SEO-ready — by default."
lead: "Doks is a Hugo theme helping you build modern documentation websites that are secure, fast, and SEO-ready — by default."
date: 2020-10-06T08:47:36+00:00
lastmod: 2020-10-06T08:47:36+00:00
draft: false
images: []

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
title: "Blog"
description: "The Doks Blog."
date: 2020-10-06T08:49:55+00:00
lastmod: 2020-10-06T08:49:55+00:00
draft: false
images: []

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
title: "Say hello to Doks 👋"
description: "Introducing Doks, a Hugo theme helping you build modern documentation websites that are secure, fast, and SEO-ready — by default."
lead: "Introducing Doks, a Hugo theme helping you build modern documentation websites that are secure, fast, and SEO-ready — by default."
date: 2020-11-04T09:19:42+01:00
lastmod: 2020-11-04T09:19:42+01:00
draft: false
weight: 50
images: ["say-hello-to-doks.png"]
contributors: ["Henk Verlinde"]

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View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
title: "Contributors"
description: "The Doks contributors."
date: 2020-10-06T08:50:29+00:00
lastmod: 2020-10-06T08:50:29+00:00
draft: false
images: []
The Doks contributors.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
title: "Henk Verlinde"
description: "Creator of Hyas."
date: 2020-10-06T08:50:45+00:00
lastmod: 2020-10-06T08:50:45+00:00
draft: false
images: []
Creator of Hyas.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
title : "Docs"
description: "Docs Doks."
lead: ""
date: 2020-10-06T08:48:23+00:00
lastmod: 2020-10-06T08:48:23+00:00
draft: false
images: []

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
title: "Help"
description: "Help Doks."
lead: ""
date: 2020-10-06T08:49:15+00:00
lastmod: 2020-10-06T08:49:15+00:00
draft: false
images: []

View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
title: "FAQ"
description: "Answers to frequently asked questions."
lead: "Answers to frequently asked questions."
date: 2020-10-06T08:49:31+00:00
lastmod: 2020-10-06T08:49:31+00:00
draft: false
images: []
parent: "help"
weight: 630
toc: true
## Hyas?
Doks is a [Hyas theme](https://gethyas.com/themes/) build by the creator of Hyas.
## Footer notice?
Please keep it in place.
## Keyboard shortcuts for search?
- focus: `/`
- select: `↓` and `↑`
- open: `Enter`
- close: `Esc`
## Other documentation?
- [Netlify](https://docs.netlify.com/)
- [Hugo](https://gohugo.io/documentation/)
## Can I get support?
Create a topic:
- [Netlify Community](https://community.netlify.com/)
- [Hugo Forums](https://discourse.gohugo.io/)
## Contact the creator?
Send `h-enk` a message:
- [Netlify Community](https://community.netlify.com/)
- [Hugo Forums](https://discourse.gohugo.io/)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
title: "How to Update"
description: "Regularly update the installed npm packages to keep your Doks website stable, usable, and secure."
lead: "Regularly update the installed npm packages to keep your Doks website stable, usable, and secure."
date: 2020-11-12T13:26:54+01:00
lastmod: 2020-11-12T13:26:54+01:00
draft: false
images: []
parent: "help"
weight: 610
toc: true
{{< alert icon="💡" text="Learn more about <a href=\"https://docs.npmjs.com/about-semantic-versioning\">semantic versioning</a> and <a href=\"https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/v6/using-npm/semver#advanced-range-syntax\">advanced range syntax</a>." >}}
## Update npm packages
Bump the versions in the `devDependencies` section of `./package.json` to your liking, and run:
npm update

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
title: "Troubleshooting"
description: "Solutions to common problems."
lead: "Solutions to common problems."
date: 2020-11-12T15:22:20+01:00
lastmod: 2020-11-12T15:22:20+01:00
draft: false
images: []
parent: "help"
weight: 620
toc: true
## Problems updating npm packages
Delete the `./node_modules` folder, and run again:
npm install
## Problems with cache
Delete the temporary directories:
npm run clean

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
title : "Prologue"
description: "Prologue Doks."
lead: ""
date: 2020-10-06T08:48:45+00:00
lastmod: 2020-10-06T08:48:45+00:00
draft: false
images: []

View File

@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
title: "Commands"
description: "Doks comes with commands for common tasks."
lead: "Doks comes with commands for common tasks."
date: 2020-10-13T15:21:01+02:00
lastmod: 2020-10-13T15:21:01+02:00
draft: false
images: []
parent: "prologue"
weight: 130
toc: true
{{< alert icon="💡" text="You can change the commands in the scripts section of `./package.json`." >}}
## start
Start local development server:
{{< btn-copy text="npm run start" >}}
npm run start
## lint
Check scripts, styles, and markdown for errors:
{{< btn-copy text="npm run lint" >}}
npm run lint
### scripts
Check scripts for errors:
{{< btn-copy text="npm run lint:scripts" >}}
npm run lint:scripts [-- --fix]
### styles
Check styles for errors:
{{< btn-copy text="npm run lint:styles" >}}
npm run lint:styles [-- --fix]
### markdown
Check markdown for errors:
{{< btn-copy text="npm run lint:markdown" >}}
npm run lint:markdown [-- --fix]
## clean
Delete temporary directories:
{{< btn-copy text="npm run clean" >}}
npm run clean
## build
Build production website:
{{< btn-copy text="npm run build" >}}
npm run build
### functions
Build Lambda functions:
{{< btn-copy text="npm run build:functions" >}}
npm run build:functions
### preview
Build production website including draft and future content:
{{< btn-copy text="npm run build:preview" >}}
npm run build:preview

View File

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
title: "Introduction"
description: "Doks is a Hugo theme helping you build modern documentation websites that are secure, fast, and SEO-ready — by default."
lead: "Doks is a Hugo theme helping you build modern documentation websites that are secure, fast, and SEO-ready — by default."
date: 2020-10-06T08:48:57+00:00
lastmod: 2020-10-06T08:48:57+00:00
draft: false
images: []
parent: "prologue"
weight: 100
toc: true
## Get started
There are two main ways to get started with Doks:
### Tutorial
{{< alert icon="👉" text="The Tutorial is intended for novice to intermediate users." >}}
Step-by-step instructions on how to start a new Doks project. [Tutorial →](https://getdoks.org/tutorial/introduction/)
### Quick Start
{{< alert icon="👉" text="The Quick Start is intended for intermediate to advanced users." >}}
One page summary of how to start a new Doks project. [Quick Start →]({{< ref "quick-start" >}})
## Go further
Recipes, Reference Guides, Extensions, and Showcase.
### Recipes
Get instructions on how to accomplish common tasks with Doks. [Recipes →](https://getdoks.org/docs/recipes/project-configuration/)
### Reference Guides
Learn how to customize Doks to fully make it your own. [Reference Guides →](https://getdoks.org/docs/reference-guides/security/)
### Extensions
Get instructions on how to add even more to Doks. [Extensions →](https://getdoks.org/docs/extensions/add-google-fonts/)
### Showcase
See what others have build with Doks. [Showcase →](https://getdoks.org/showcase/causal-data-science-meeting/)
## Contributing
Find out how to contribute to Doks. [Contributing →](https://getdoks.org/docs/contributing/how-to-contribute/)
## Help
Get help on Doks. [Help →]({{< ref "how-to-update" >}})

View File

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
title: "Quick Start"
description: "One page summary of how to start a new Doks project."
lead: "One page summary of how to start a new Doks project."
date: 2020-11-16T13:59:39+01:00
lastmod: 2020-11-16T13:59:39+01:00
draft: false
images: []
parent: "prologue"
weight: 110
toc: true
## Requirements
{{< alert icon="👉" text="Node.js is needed to install npm packages and run commands." >}}
Make sure all dependencies have been installed:
- [Hugo](https://gohugo.io/getting-started/installing/) >= 0.75.0/extended
- [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/) >= 14.15.0
## Start a new Doks project
Create a new site, change directories, install npm packages, and start development server.
### Create a new site
{{< btn-copy text="git clone https://github.com/h-enk/doks.git my-doks-site" >}}
git clone https://github.com/h-enk/doks.git my-doks-site
### Change directories
{{< btn-copy text="cd my-doks-site" >}}
cd my-doks-site
### Install npm packages
{{< btn-copy text="npm install" >}}
npm install
### Start development server
{{< btn-copy text="npm run start" >}}
npm run start
Doks will start the Hugo development webserver accessible by default at `http://localhost:1313`. Saved changes will live reload in the browser.
## Other commands
Doks comes with commands for common tasks. [Commands →]({{< ref "commands" >}})

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 5.0 KiB

View File

exampleSite/static/doks.png Normal file

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 8.0 KiB

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 416 B

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 773 B

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 15 KiB

View File

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Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

View File

exampleSite/static/js/vendor/.gitkeep vendored Normal file
View File

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 20 KiB

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"name":"Doks Theme","short_name":"Doks","icons":[{"src":"/android-chrome-192x192.png","sizes":"192x192","type":"image/png"},{"src":"/android-chrome-512x512.png","sizes":"512x512","type":"image/png"}],"theme_color":"#fff","background_color":"#fff","display":"standalone"}

images/screenshot.png Normal file

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 122 KiB

images/tn.png Normal file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 94 KiB

theme.toml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
name = "Doks"
license = "MIT"
licenselink = "https://github.com/h-enk/doks/blob/master/LICENSE"
description = "Hugo theme helping you build modern documentation websites that are secure, fast, and SEO-ready — by default."
homepage = "https://getdoks.org/"
tags = ["landing page", "documentation", "blog", "minimal", "modern", "customizable", "search", "dark mode", "bootstrap"]
features = ["security aware", "fast by default", "seo-ready", "development tools", "bootstrap framework", "netlify-ready", "full text search", "page layouts", "dark mode"]
min_version = "0.75.0"
name = "Henk Verlinde"
homepage = "https://henkverlinde.com/"