Simon 1221094d75 feat: Simplify management of emails and phone number 2021-10-21 21:47:42 +02:00
adresse.html feat: Add contact partials 2021-06-11 15:59:39 +02:00
cell.html first version 2020-02-26 23:44:15 +01:00
cloakemail.html fix: Remove unnecessary space 2020-03-09 17:04:50 +01:00
grid.html first version 2020-02-26 23:44:15 +01:00
image.html first version 2020-02-26 23:44:15 +01:00
imgproc.html first version 2020-02-26 23:44:15 +01:00
instagram.html feat: Add contact partials 2021-06-11 15:59:39 +02:00
loremipsum.html Add loremipsum shortcode 2020-03-09 15:08:41 +01:00
mail.html feat: Simplify management of emails and phone number 2021-10-21 21:47:42 +02:00
telephone.html feat: Simplify management of emails and phone number 2021-10-21 21:47:42 +02:00
year.html feat: Create partial year 2021-07-30 23:04:31 +02:00