{{ $data := index site.Data site.Language.Lang }} {{ if $data.pricing.pricing.enable }} {{ with $data.pricing.pricing }} {{"<!-- Start Pricing section -->" | safeHTML}} <section id="pricing" class="pricing section"> <div class="container"> <div class="row justify-content-center"> {{"<!-- section title -->" | safeHTML}} <div class="col-lg-12"> <div class="title text-center wow fadeInDown" data-wow-duration="500ms"> <h2>{{ with .title }} {{ index (split . " ") 0 | safeHTML }} {{ end }}<span class="color"> {{ with .title }} {{ after (len (index (split . " ") 0)) . | safeHTML }} {{ end }}</span></h2> <div class="border-meghna"></div> </div> </div> {{"<!-- /section title -->" | safeHTML}} {{ range .pricing_table }} {{"<!-- single pricing table -->" | safeHTML}} <div class="col-lg-3 col-md-6 col-12 text-center wow fadeInUp" data-wow-duration="200ms"> <div class="price-item"> {{"<!-- plan name & value -->" | safeHTML}} <div class="price-title"> <h3>{{ .name }}</h3> <p><strong class="value">{{ .price }}</strong>/ {{ .unit }}</p> </div> {{"<!-- plan description -->" | safeHTML}} <ul> {{ range .services }} <li>{{ . }}</li> {{ end }} </ul> {{"<!-- signup button -->" | safeHTML}} {{ with .button }} <a class="btn btn-transparent" href="{{ .link | safeURL }}">{{ .label }}</a> {{ end }} </div> </div> {{"<!-- end single pricing table -->" | safeHTML}} {{ end }} </div> </div> </section> {{"<!-- /pricing -->" | safeHTML}} {{ end }} {{ end }}