# fullPage.js ![preview](https://raw.github.com/alvarotrigo/fullPage.js/master/examples/imgs/intro.png) ![compatibility](https://raw.github.com/alvarotrigo/fullPage.js/master/examples/imgs/compatible.gif?v=2)
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Available for Vue, React and Angular.
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Let's make this a great library to make people's lives easier! ## Compatibility fullPage.js is fully functional on all modern browsers, as well as some old ones such as Internet Explorer 9, Opera 12, etc. It works with browsers with CSS3 support and with the ones which don't have it, making it ideal for old browsers compatibility. It also provides touch support for mobile phones, tablets and touch screen computers. Special thanks to [Browserstack](http://www.browserstack.com/) for supporting fullpage.js. ## License ### Commercial license If you want to use fullPage to develop non open sourced sites, themes, projects, and applications, the Commercial license is the appropriate license. With this option, your source code is kept proprietary. Which means, you won't have to change your whole application source code to an open source license. [[Purchase a Fullpage Commercial License]](https://alvarotrigo.com/fullPage/pricing/) ### Open source license If you are creating an open source application under a license compatible with the [GNU GPL license v3](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html), you may use fullPage under the terms of the GPLv3. **The credit comments in the JavaScript and CSS files should be kept intact** (even after combination or minification) [Read more about fullPage's license](https://alvarotrigo.com/fullPage/pricing/). ## Usage As you can see in the example files, you will need to include: - The JavaScript file `fullpage.js` (or its minified version `fullpage.min.js`) - The css file `fullpage.css` **Optionally**, when using `css3:false`, you can add the [easings file](https://github.com/alvarotrigo/fullPage.js/tree/master/vendors/easings.min.js) in case you want to use other easing effects apart from the one included in the library (`easeInOutCubic`). ### Install using bower or npm **Optionally**, you can install fullPage.js with bower or npm if you prefer: Terminal: ```shell // With bower bower install fullpage.js // With npm npm install fullpage.js ``` ### Including files: ```html ``` Using Webpack, Browserify or Require.js? Check how to use fullPage.js with module loaders. ### Optional use of CDN If you prefer to use a CDN to load the needed files, fullPage.js is in CDNJS: https://cdnjs.com/libraries/fullPage.js ### Required HTML structure Start your HTML document with the compulsory [HTML DOCTYPE declaration](http://www.corelangs.com/html/introduction/doctype.html) on the 1st line of your HTML code. You might have troubles with sections heights otherwise. The examples provided use HTML 5 doctype ``. Each section will be defined with an element containing the `section` class. The active section by default will be the first section, which is taken as the home page. Sections should be placed inside a wrapper (`