All options can be passed either as command-line flags or environment variables:
| Option | Env | Description | Default |
| --cluster-key | WESHER_CLUSTER_KEY | shared key for cluster membership; must be 32 bytes base64 encoded; will be generated if not provided | |
| --join | WESHER_JOIN | comma separated list of hostnames or IP addresses to existing cluster members; if not provided, will attempt resuming any known state or otherwise wait for further members | |
| --bind-addr | WESHER_BIND_ADDR | IP address to bind to for cluster membership | `` |
| --cluster-port | WESHER_CLUSTER_PORT | port used for membership gossip traffic (both TCP and UDP); must be the same across cluster | `7946` |
| --wireguard-port | WESHER_WIREGUARD_PORT | port used for wireguard traffic (UDP); must be the same across cluster | `51820` |
| --overlay-net | WESHER_OVERLAY_NET | the network in which to allocate addresses for the overlay mesh network (CIDR format); smaller networks increase the chance of IP collision | `` |
| --interface | WESHER_INTERFACE | name of the wireguard interface to create and manage | `wgoverlay` |
| --log-level | WESHER_LOG_LEVEL | set the verbosity (debug/info/warn/error) | `warn` |