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package terraform
import (
// ResourceCountTransformer is a GraphTransformer that expands the count
// out for a specific resource.
// This assumes that the count is already interpolated.
type ResourceCountTransformer struct {
Concrete ConcreteResourceInstanceNodeFunc
Schema *configschema.Block
// Count is either the number of indexed instances to create, or -1 to
// indicate that count is not set at all and thus a no-key instance should
// be created.
Count int
Addr addrs.AbsResource
func (t *ResourceCountTransformer) Transform(g *Graph) error {
if t.Count < 0 {
// Negative count indicates that count is not set at all.
addr := t.Addr.Instance(addrs.NoKey)
abstract := NewNodeAbstractResourceInstance(addr)
abstract.Schema = t.Schema
var node dag.Vertex = abstract
if f := t.Concrete; f != nil {
node = f(abstract)
return nil
// For each count, build and add the node
for i := 0; i < t.Count; i++ {
key := addrs.IntKey(i)
addr := t.Addr.Instance(key)
abstract := NewNodeAbstractResourceInstance(addr)
abstract.Schema = t.Schema
var node dag.Vertex = abstract
if f := t.Concrete; f != nil {
node = f(abstract)
return nil