
113 lines
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package terraform
import (
backendinit "github.com/hashicorp/terraform/backend/init"
func dataSourceRemoteState() *schema.Resource {
return &schema.Resource{
Read: dataSourceRemoteStateRead,
Schema: map[string]*schema.Schema{
"backend": {
Type: schema.TypeString,
Required: true,
ValidateFunc: func(v interface{}, k string) (ws []string, errors []error) {
if vStr, ok := v.(string); ok && vStr == "_local" {
ws = append(ws, "Use of the %q backend is now officially "+
"supported as %q. Please update your configuration to ensure "+
"compatibility with future versions of Terraform.",
"_local", "local")
"config": {
Type: schema.TypeMap,
Optional: true,
"environment": {
Type: schema.TypeString,
Optional: true,
Default: backend.DefaultStateName,
"__has_dynamic_attributes": {
Type: schema.TypeString,
Optional: true,
func dataSourceRemoteStateRead(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
backend := d.Get("backend").(string)
// Get the configuration in a type we want.
rawConfig, err := config.NewRawConfig(d.Get("config").(map[string]interface{}))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error initializing backend: %s", err)
// Don't break people using the old _local syntax - but note warning above
if backend == "_local" {
log.Println(`[INFO] Switching old (unsupported) backend "_local" to "local"`)
backend = "local"
// Create the client to access our remote state
log.Printf("[DEBUG] Initializing remote state backend: %s", backend)
f := backendinit.Backend(backend)
if f == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Unknown backend type: %s", backend)
b := f()
// Configure the backend
if err := b.Configure(terraform.NewResourceConfig(rawConfig)); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error initializing backend: %s", err)
// Get the state
env := d.Get("environment").(string)
state, err := b.State(env)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error loading the remote state: %s", err)
if err := state.RefreshState(); err != nil {
return err
outputMap := make(map[string]interface{})
remoteState := state.State()
if remoteState.Empty() {
log.Println("[DEBUG] empty remote state")
return nil
for key, val := range remoteState.RootModule().Outputs {
outputMap[key] = val.Value
mappedOutputs := remoteStateFlatten(outputMap)
for key, val := range mappedOutputs {
d.UnsafeSetFieldRaw(key, val)
return nil