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profitbricks ProfitBricks: profitbricks_loadbalancer docs-profitbricks-resource-loadbalancer Creates and manages Load Balancers


Manages a Load Balancers on ProfitBricks

Example Usage

resource "profitbricks_loadbalancer" "example" {
  datacenter_id = "${profitbricks_datacenter.example.id}"
  nic_id        = "${profitbricks_nic.example.id}"
  name          = "load balancer name"
  dhcp          = true

##Argument reference

  • datacenter_id - (Required)[string]
  • nic_id - (Required)[string]
  • dhcp - (Optional) [boolean] Indicates if the load balancer will reserve an IP using DHCP.
  • ip - (Optional) [string] IPv4 address of the load balancer.