--- layout: "datadog" page_title: "Datadog: datadog_downtime" sidebar_current: "docs-datadog-resource-downtime" description: |- Provides a Datadog downtime resource. This can be used to create and manage downtimes. --- # datadog\_downtime Provides a Datadog downtime resource. This can be used to create and manage Datadog downtimes. ## Example Usage ``` # Create a new daily 1700-0900 Datadog downtime resource "datadog_downtime" "foo" { scope = ["*"] start = 1483308000 end = 1483365600 recurrence { type = "days" period = 1 } } ``` ## Argument Reference The following arguments are supported: * `scope` - (Required) A list of items to apply the downtime to, e.g. host:X * `start` - (Optional) POSIX timestamp to start the downtime. * `end` - (Optional) POSIX timestamp to end the downtime. * `recurrence` - (Optional) A dictionary to configure the downtime to be recurring. * `type` - days, weeks, months, or years * `period` - How often to repeat as an integer. For example to repeat every 3 days, select a type of days and a period of 3. * `week_days` - (Optional) A list of week days to repeat on. Choose from: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat or Sun. Only applicable when type is weeks. First letter must be capitalized. * `until_occurrences` - (Optional) How many times the downtime will be rescheduled. `until_occurrences` and `until_date` are mutually exclusive. * `until_date` - (Optional) The date at which the recurrence should end as a POSIX timestamp. `until_occurrences` and `until_date` are mutually exclusive. * `message` - (Optional) A message to include with notifications for this downtime. ## Attributes Reference The following attributes are exported: * `id` - ID of the Datadog downtime ## Import Downtimes can be imported using their numeric ID, e.g. ``` $ terraform import datadog_downtime.bytes_received_localhost 2081 ```