--- layout: "triton" page_title: "Triton: triton_fabric" sidebar_current: "docs-triton-resource-fabric" description: |- The `triton_fabric` resource represents an SSH fabric for a Triton account. --- # triton\_fabric The `triton_fabric` resource represents an fabric for a Triton account. The fabric is a logical set of interconnected switches. ## Example Usages ### Create a fabric ``` resource "triton_fabric" "dmz" { vlan_id = 100 name = "dmz" description = "DMZ Network" subnet = "" provision_start_ip = "" provision_end_ip = "" gateway = "" resolvers = ["", ""] } ``` ## Argument Reference The following arguments are supported: * `name` - (String, Required, Change forces new resource) Network name. * `description` - (String, Optional, Change forces new resource) Optional description of network. * `subnet` - (String, Required, Change forces new resource) CIDR formatted string describing network. * `provision_start_ip` - (String, Required, Change forces new resource) First IP on the network that can be assigned. * `provision_end_ip` - (String, Required, Change forces new resource) Last assignable IP on the network. * `gateway` - (String, Optional, Change forces new resource) Optional gateway IP. * `resolvers` - (List, Optional) Array of IP addresses for resolvers. * `routes` - (Map, Optional, Change forces new resource) Map of CIDR block to Gateway IP address. * `internet_nat` - (Bool, Optional, Change forces new resource) If a NAT zone is provisioned at Gateway IP address. * `vlan_id` - (Int, Required, Change forces new resource) VLAN id the network is on. Number between 0-4095 indicating VLAN ID. ## Attribute Reference The following attributes are exported: * `name` - (String) - Network name. * `public` - (Bool) - Whether or not this is an RFC1918 network. * `fabric` - (Bool) - Whether or not this network is on a fabric. * `description` - (String) - Optional description of network. * `subnet` - (String) - CIDR formatted string describing network. * `provision_start_ip` - (String) - First IP on the network that can be assigned. * `provision_end_ip` - (String) - Last assignable IP on the network. * `gateway` - (String) - Optional gateway IP. * `resolvers` - (List) - Array of IP addresses for resolvers. * `routes` - (Map) - Map of CIDR block to Gateway IP address. * `internet_nat` - (Bool) - If a NAT zone is provisioned at Gateway IP address. * `vlan_id` - (Int) - VLAN id the network is on. Number between 0-4095 indicating VLAN ID.