package archive import ( "fmt" r "" "" "os" "testing" ) func TestAccArchiveFile_Basic(t *testing.T) { var fileSize string r.Test(t, r.TestCase{ Providers: testProviders, CheckDestroy: r.ComposeTestCheckFunc( testAccArchiveFileMissing(""), ), Steps: []r.TestStep{ r.TestStep{ Config: testAccArchiveFileContentConfig, Check: r.ComposeTestCheckFunc( testAccArchiveFileExists("", &fileSize), r.TestCheckResourceAttrPtr("", "output_size", &fileSize), ), }, r.TestStep{ Config: testAccArchiveFileFileConfig, Check: r.ComposeTestCheckFunc( testAccArchiveFileExists("", &fileSize), r.TestCheckResourceAttrPtr("", "output_size", &fileSize), ), }, r.TestStep{ Config: testAccArchiveFileDirConfig, Check: r.ComposeTestCheckFunc( testAccArchiveFileExists("", &fileSize), r.TestCheckResourceAttrPtr("", "output_size", &fileSize), ), }, }, }) } func testAccArchiveFileExists(filename string, fileSize *string) r.TestCheckFunc { return func(s *terraform.State) error { *fileSize = "" fi, err := os.Stat(filename) if err != nil { return err } *fileSize = fmt.Sprintf("%d", fi.Size()) return nil } } func testAccArchiveFileMissing(filename string) r.TestCheckFunc { return func(s *terraform.State) error { _, err := os.Stat(filename) if err != nil { if os.IsNotExist(err) { return nil } return err } return fmt.Errorf("found file expected to be deleted: %s", filename) } } var testAccArchiveFileContentConfig = ` resource "archive_file" "foo" { type = "zip" source_content = "This is some content" source_content_filename = "content.txt" output_path = "" } ` var testAccArchiveFileFileConfig = ` resource "archive_file" "foo" { type = "zip" source_file = "test-fixtures/test-file.txt" output_path = "" } ` var testAccArchiveFileDirConfig = ` resource "archive_file" "foo" { type = "zip" source_dir = "test-fixtures/test-dir" output_path = "" } `