--- layout: "chef" page_title: "Chef: chef_data_bag" sidebar_current: "docs-chef-resource-data-bag" description: |- Creates and manages a data bag in Chef Server. --- # chef_data_bag A [data bag](http://docs.chef.io/data_bags.html) is a collection of configuration objects that are stored as JSON in Chef Server and can be retrieved and used in Chef recipes. This resource creates the data bag itself. Inside each data bag is a collection of items which can be created using the ``chef_data_bag_item`` resource. ## Example Usage ```hcl resource "chef_data_bag" "example" { name = "example-data-bag" } ``` ## Argument Reference The following arguments are supported: * `name` - (Required) The unique name to assign to the data bag. This is the name that other server clients will use to find and retrieve data from the data bag. ## Attributes Reference The following attributes are exported: * `api_url` - The URL representing this data bag in the Chef server API.