package newrelic // This file contains the names of the automatically captured attributes. // Attributes are key value pairs attached to transaction events, error events, // and traced errors. You may add your own attributes using the // Transaction.AddAttribute method (see transaction.go). // // These attribute names are exposed here to facilitate configuration. // // For more information, see: // // Attributes destined for Transaction Events and Errors: const ( // AttributeResponseCode is the response status code for a web request. AttributeResponseCode = "httpResponseCode" // AttributeRequestMethod is the request's method. AttributeRequestMethod = "request.method" // AttributeRequestAccept is the request's "Accept" header. AttributeRequestAccept = "request.headers.accept" // AttributeRequestContentType is the request's "Content-Type" header. AttributeRequestContentType = "request.headers.contentType" // AttributeRequestContentLength is the request's "Content-Length" header. AttributeRequestContentLength = "request.headers.contentLength" // AttributeRequestHost is the request's "Host" header. AttributeRequestHost = "" // AttributeResponseContentType is the response "Content-Type" header. AttributeResponseContentType = "response.headers.contentType" // AttributeResponseContentLength is the response "Content-Length" header. AttributeResponseContentLength = "response.headers.contentLength" // AttributeHostDisplayName contains the value of Config.HostDisplayName. AttributeHostDisplayName = "host.displayName" ) // Attributes destined for Errors: const ( // AttributeRequestUserAgent is the request's "User-Agent" header. AttributeRequestUserAgent = "request.headers.User-Agent" // AttributeRequestReferer is the request's "Referer" header. Query // string parameters are removed. AttributeRequestReferer = "request.headers.referer" )