--- layout: "clc" page_title: "clc: clc_load_balancer" sidebar_current: "docs-clc-resource-load-balancer" description: |- Manages a CLC load balacner. --- # clc\_load\_balancer Manages a CLC load balancer. Manage connected backends with [clc_load_balancer_pool](load_balancer_pool.html) See also [Complete API documentation](https://www.ctl.io/api-docs/v2/#shared-load-balancer). ## Example Usage ``` # Provision a load balancer resource "clc_load_balancer" "api" { data_center = "${clc_group.frontends.location_id}" name = "api" description = "api load balancer" status = "enabled" } output "api_ip" { value = "clc_load_balancer.api.ip_address" } ``` ## Argument Reference The following arguments are supported: * `name` - (Required, string) The name of the load balancer. * `data_center` - (Required, string) The datacenter location of both parent group and this group. * `status` - (Required, string) Either "enabled" or "disabled" * `description` - (Optional, string) Description for server group (visible in control portal only)