package aws import ( "fmt" "log" "strings" "" "" "time" "" "" "" ) const awsSNSPendingConfirmationMessage = "pending confirmation" const awsSNSPendingConfirmationMessageWithoutSpaces = "pendingconfirmation" func resourceAwsSnsTopicSubscription() *schema.Resource { return &schema.Resource{ Create: resourceAwsSnsTopicSubscriptionCreate, Read: resourceAwsSnsTopicSubscriptionRead, Update: resourceAwsSnsTopicSubscriptionUpdate, Delete: resourceAwsSnsTopicSubscriptionDelete, Importer: &schema.ResourceImporter{ State: schema.ImportStatePassthrough, }, Schema: map[string]*schema.Schema{ "protocol": &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Required: true, ForceNew: false, ValidateFunc: func(v interface{}, k string) (ws []string, errors []error) { value := v.(string) forbidden := []string{"email", "sms"} for _, f := range forbidden { if strings.Contains(value, f) { errors = append( errors, fmt.Errorf("Unsupported protocol (%s) for SNS Topic", value), ) } } return }, }, "endpoint": &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Required: true, }, "endpoint_auto_confirms": &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeBool, Optional: true, Default: false, }, "confirmation_timeout_in_minutes": &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeInt, Optional: true, Default: 1, }, "topic_arn": &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Required: true, }, "delivery_policy": &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, }, "raw_message_delivery": &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeBool, Optional: true, Default: false, }, "arn": &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Computed: true, }, }, } } func resourceAwsSnsTopicSubscriptionCreate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { snsconn := meta.(*AWSClient).snsconn output, err := subscribeToSNSTopic(d, snsconn) if err != nil { return err } if subscriptionHasPendingConfirmation(output.SubscriptionArn) { log.Printf("[WARN] Invalid SNS Subscription, received a \"%s\" ARN", awsSNSPendingConfirmationMessage) return nil } log.Printf("New subscription ARN: %s", *output.SubscriptionArn) d.SetId(*output.SubscriptionArn) // Write the ARN to the 'arn' field for export d.Set("arn", *output.SubscriptionArn) return resourceAwsSnsTopicSubscriptionUpdate(d, meta) } func resourceAwsSnsTopicSubscriptionUpdate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { snsconn := meta.(*AWSClient).snsconn // If any changes happened, un-subscribe and re-subscribe if d.HasChange("protocol") || d.HasChange("endpoint") || d.HasChange("topic_arn") { log.Printf("[DEBUG] Updating subscription %s", d.Id()) // Unsubscribe _, err := snsconn.Unsubscribe(&sns.UnsubscribeInput{ SubscriptionArn: aws.String(d.Id()), }) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Error unsubscribing from SNS topic: %s", err) } // Re-subscribe and set id output, err := subscribeToSNSTopic(d, snsconn) d.SetId(*output.SubscriptionArn) d.Set("arn", *output.SubscriptionArn) } if d.HasChange("raw_message_delivery") { _, n := d.GetChange("raw_message_delivery") attrValue := "false" if n.(bool) { attrValue = "true" } req := &sns.SetSubscriptionAttributesInput{ SubscriptionArn: aws.String(d.Id()), AttributeName: aws.String("RawMessageDelivery"), AttributeValue: aws.String(attrValue), } _, err := snsconn.SetSubscriptionAttributes(req) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Unable to set raw message delivery attribute on subscription") } } return resourceAwsSnsTopicSubscriptionRead(d, meta) } func resourceAwsSnsTopicSubscriptionRead(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { snsconn := meta.(*AWSClient).snsconn log.Printf("[DEBUG] Loading subscription %s", d.Id()) attributeOutput, err := snsconn.GetSubscriptionAttributes(&sns.GetSubscriptionAttributesInput{ SubscriptionArn: aws.String(d.Id()), }) if err != nil { if awsErr, ok := err.(awserr.Error); ok && awsErr.Code() == "NotFound" { log.Printf("[WARN] SNS Topic Subscription (%s) not found, error code (404)", d.Id()) d.SetId("") return nil } return err } if attributeOutput.Attributes != nil && len(attributeOutput.Attributes) > 0 { attrHash := attributeOutput.Attributes log.Printf("[DEBUG] raw message delivery: %s", *attrHash["RawMessageDelivery"]) if *attrHash["RawMessageDelivery"] == "true" { d.Set("raw_message_delivery", true) } else { d.Set("raw_message_delivery", false) } } return nil } func resourceAwsSnsTopicSubscriptionDelete(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { snsconn := meta.(*AWSClient).snsconn log.Printf("[DEBUG] SNS delete topic subscription: %s", d.Id()) _, err := snsconn.Unsubscribe(&sns.UnsubscribeInput{ SubscriptionArn: aws.String(d.Id()), }) if err != nil { return err } return nil } func subscribeToSNSTopic(d *schema.ResourceData, snsconn *sns.SNS) (output *sns.SubscribeOutput, err error) { protocol := d.Get("protocol").(string) endpoint := d.Get("endpoint").(string) topic_arn := d.Get("topic_arn").(string) endpoint_auto_confirms := d.Get("endpoint_auto_confirms").(bool) confirmation_timeout_in_minutes := d.Get("confirmation_timeout_in_minutes").(int) if strings.Contains(protocol, "http") && !endpoint_auto_confirms { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Protocol http/https is only supported for endpoints which auto confirms!") } log.Printf("[DEBUG] SNS create topic subscription: %s (%s) @ '%s'", endpoint, protocol, topic_arn) req := &sns.SubscribeInput{ Protocol: aws.String(protocol), Endpoint: aws.String(endpoint), TopicArn: aws.String(topic_arn), } output, err = snsconn.Subscribe(req) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error creating SNS topic: %s", err) } log.Printf("[DEBUG] Finished subscribing to topic %s with subscription arn %s", topic_arn, *output.SubscriptionArn) if strings.Contains(protocol, "http") && subscriptionHasPendingConfirmation(output.SubscriptionArn) { log.Printf("[DEBUG] SNS create topic subscription is pending so fetching the subscription list for topic : %s (%s) @ '%s'", endpoint, protocol, topic_arn) err = resource.Retry(time.Duration(confirmation_timeout_in_minutes)*time.Minute, func() *resource.RetryError { subscription, err := findSubscriptionByNonID(d, snsconn) if subscription != nil { output.SubscriptionArn = subscription.SubscriptionArn return nil } if err != nil { return resource.RetryableError( fmt.Errorf("Error fetching subscriptions for SNS topic %s: %s", topic_arn, err)) } return resource.RetryableError( fmt.Errorf("Endpoint (%s) did not autoconfirm the subscription for topic %s", endpoint, topic_arn)) }) if err != nil { return nil, err } } log.Printf("[DEBUG] Created new subscription! %s", *output.SubscriptionArn) return output, nil } // finds a subscription using protocol, endpoint and topic_arn (which is a key in sns subscription) func findSubscriptionByNonID(d *schema.ResourceData, snsconn *sns.SNS) (*sns.Subscription, error) { protocol := d.Get("protocol").(string) endpoint := d.Get("endpoint").(string) topic_arn := d.Get("topic_arn").(string) req := &sns.ListSubscriptionsByTopicInput{ TopicArn: aws.String(topic_arn), } for { res, err := snsconn.ListSubscriptionsByTopic(req) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error fetching subscripitions for topic %s : %s", topic_arn, err) } for _, subscription := range res.Subscriptions { log.Printf("[DEBUG] check subscription with EndPoint %s, Protocol %s, topicARN %s and SubscriptionARN %s", *subscription.Endpoint, *subscription.Protocol, *subscription.TopicArn, *subscription.SubscriptionArn) if *subscription.Endpoint == endpoint && *subscription.Protocol == protocol && *subscription.TopicArn == topic_arn && !subscriptionHasPendingConfirmation(subscription.SubscriptionArn) { return subscription, nil } } // if there are more than 100 subscriptions then go to the next 100 otherwise return nil if res.NextToken != nil { req.NextToken = res.NextToken } else { return nil, nil } } } // returns true if arn is nil or has both pending and confirmation words in the arn func subscriptionHasPendingConfirmation(arn *string) bool { if arn != nil && !strings.Contains(strings.Replace(strings.ToLower(*arn), " ", "", -1), awsSNSPendingConfirmationMessageWithoutSpaces) { return false } return true }