variable "resource_group_name" { description = "Name of the azure resource group in which you will deploy this template." } variable "resource_group_location" { description = "Location of the azure resource group." default = "southcentralus" } variable "subscription_id" { description = "Subscription ID of the key vault" } variable "tenant_id" { description = "Tenant ID with access to your key vault and subscription" } variable "openshift_script_path" { description = "Local path to openshift scripts to prep nodes and install openshift origin" } variable "os_image" { description = "Select from CentOS (centos) or RHEL (rhel) for the Operating System" default = "centos" } variable "bastion_vm_size" { description = "Size of the Bastion Virtual Machine. Allowed values: Standard_A4, Standard_A5, Standard_A6, Standard_A7, Standard_A8, Standard_A9, Standard_A10, Standard_A11, Standard_D1, Standard_D2, Standard_D3, Standard_D4, Standard_D11, Standard_D12, Standard_D13, Standard_D14, Standard_D1_v2, Standard_D2_v2, Standard_D3_v2, Standard_D4_v2, Standard_D5_v2, Standard_D11_v2, Standard_D12_v2, Standard_D13_v2, Standard_D14_v2, Standard_G1, Standard_G2, Standard_G3, Standard_G4, Standard_G5, Standard_D1_v2, Standard_DS2, Standard_DS3, Standard_DS4, Standard_DS11, Standard_DS12, Standard_DS13, Standard_DS14, Standard_DS1_v2, Standard_DS2_v2, Standard_DS3_v2, Standard_DS4_v2, Standard_DS5_v2, Standard_DS11_v2, Standard_DS12_v2, Standard_DS13_v2, Standard_DS14_v2, Standard_GS1, Standard_GS2, Standard_GS3, Standard_GS4, Standard_GS5" default = "Standard_D2_v2" } variable "master_vm_size" { description = "Size of the Master Virtual Machine. Allowed values: Standard_A4, Standard_A5, Standard_A6, Standard_A7, Standard_A8, Standard_A9, Standard_A10, Standard_A11, Standard_D1, Standard_D2, Standard_D3, Standard_D4, Standard_D11, Standard_D12, Standard_D13, Standard_D14, Standard_D1_v2, Standard_D2_v2, Standard_D3_v2, Standard_D4_v2, Standard_D5_v2, Standard_D11_v2, Standard_D12_v2, Standard_D13_v2, Standard_D14_v2, Standard_G1, Standard_G2, Standard_G3, Standard_G4, Standard_G5, Standard_D1_v2, Standard_DS2, Standard_DS3, Standard_DS4, Standard_DS11, Standard_DS12, Standard_DS13, Standard_DS14, Standard_DS1_v2, Standard_DS2_v2, Standard_DS3_v2, Standard_DS4_v2, Standard_DS5_v2, Standard_DS11_v2, Standard_DS12_v2, Standard_DS13_v2, Standard_DS14_v2, Standard_GS1, Standard_GS2, Standard_GS3, Standard_GS4, Standard_GS5" default = "Standard_DS4_v2" } variable "infra_vm_size" { description = "Size of the Infra Virtual Machine. Allowed values: Standard_A4, Standard_A5, Standard_A6, Standard_A7, Standard_A8, Standard_A9, Standard_A10, Standard_A11,Standard_D1, Standard_D2, Standard_D3, Standard_D4,Standard_D11, Standard_D12, Standard_D13, Standard_D14,Standard_D1_v2, Standard_D2_v2, Standard_D3_v2, Standard_D4_v2, Standard_D5_v2,Standard_D11_v2, Standard_D12_v2, Standard_D13_v2, Standard_D14_v2,Standard_G1, Standard_G2, Standard_G3, Standard_G4, Standard_G5,Standard_D1_v2, Standard_DS2, Standard_DS3, Standard_DS4,Standard_DS11, Standard_DS12, Standard_DS13, Standard_DS14,Standard_DS1_v2, Standard_DS2_v2, Standard_DS3_v2, Standard_DS4_v2, Standard_DS5_v2,Standard_DS11_v2, Standard_DS12_v2, Standard_DS13_v2, Standard_DS14_v2,Standard_GS1, Standard_GS2, Standard_GS3, Standard_GS4, Standard_GS5" default = "Standard_DS3_v2" } variable "node_vm_size" { description = "Size of the Node Virtual Machine. Allowed values: Standard_A4, Standard_A5, Standard_A6, Standard_A7, Standard_A8, Standard_A9, Standard_A10, Standard_A11, Standard_D1, Standard_D2, Standard_D3, Standard_D4, Standard_D11, Standard_D12, Standard_D13, Standard_D14, Standard_D1_v2, Standard_D2_v2, Standard_D3_v2, Standard_D4_v2, Standard_D5_v2, Standard_D11_v2, Standard_D12_v2, Standard_D13_v2, Standard_D14_v2, Standard_G1, Standard_G2, Standard_G3, Standard_G4, Standard_G5, Standard_D1_v2, Standard_DS2, Standard_DS3, Standard_DS4, Standard_DS11, Standard_DS12, Standard_DS13, Standard_DS14, Standard_DS1_v2, Standard_DS2_v2, Standard_DS3_v2, Standard_DS4_v2, Standard_DS5_v2, Standard_DS11_v2, Standard_DS12_v2, Standard_DS13_v2, Standard_DS14_v2, Standard_GS1, Standard_GS2, Standard_GS3, Standard_GS4, Standard_GS5" default = "Standard_DS3_v2" } variable "storage_account_type_map" { description = "This is the storage account type that you will need based on the vm size that you choose (value constraints)" type = "map" default = { Standard_A4 = "Standard_LRS" Standard_A5 = "Standard_LRS" Standard_A6 = "Standard_LRS" Standard_A7 = "Standard_LRS" Standard_A8 = "Standard_LRS" Standard_A9 = "Standard_LRS" Standard_A10 = "Standard_LRS" Standard_A11 = "Standard_LRS" Standard_D1 = "Standard_LRS" Standard_D2 = "Standard_LRS" Standard_D3 = "Standard_LRS" Standard_D4 = "Standard_LRS" Standard_D11 = "Standard_LRS" Standard_D12 = "Standard_LRS" Standard_D13 = "Standard_LRS" Standard_D14 = "Standard_LRS" Standard_D1_v2 = "Standard_LRS" Standard_D2_v2 = "Standard_LRS" Standard_D3_v2 = "Standard_LRS" Standard_D4_v2 = "Standard_LRS" Standard_D5_v2 = "Standard_LRS" Standard_D11_v2 = "Standard_LRS" Standard_D12_v2 = "Standard_LRS" Standard_D13_v2 = "Standard_LRS" Standard_D14_v2 = "Standard_LRS" Standard_G1 = "Standard_LRS" Standard_G2 = "Standard_LRS" Standard_G3 = "Standard_LRS" Standard_G4 = "Standard_LRS" Standard_G5 = "Standard_LRS" Standard_DS1 = "Premium_LRS" Standard_DS2 = "Premium_LRS" Standard_DS3 = "Premium_LRS" Standard_DS4 = "Premium_LRS" Standard_DS11 = "Premium_LRS" Standard_DS12 = "Premium_LRS" Standard_DS13 = "Premium_LRS" Standard_DS14 = "Premium_LRS" Standard_DS1_v2 = "Premium_LRS" Standard_DS2_v2 = "Premium_LRS" Standard_DS3_v2 = "Premium_LRS" Standard_DS4_v2 = "Premium_LRS" Standard_DS5_v2 = "Premium_LRS" Standard_DS11_v2 = "Premium_LRS" Standard_DS12_v2 = "Premium_LRS" Standard_DS13_v2 = "Premium_LRS" Standard_DS14_v2 = "Premium_LRS" Standard_DS15_v2 = "Premium_LRS" Standard_GS1 = "Premium_LRS" Standard_GS2 = "Premium_LRS" Standard_GS3 = "Premium_LRS" Standard_GS4 = "Premium_LRS" Standard_GS5 = "Premium_LRS" } } variable "os_image_map" { description = "os image map" type = "map" default = { centos_publisher = "Openlogic" centos_offer = "CentOS" centos_sku = "7.3" centos_version = "latest" rhel_publisher = "RedHat" rhel_offer = "RHEL" rhel_sku = "7.2" rhel_version = "latest" } } variable "disk_size_gb" { description = "storage os disk size" default = 60 } variable "openshift_cluster_prefix" { description = "Cluster Prefix used to configure domain name label and hostnames for all nodes - master, infra and nodes. Between 1 and 20 characters" } variable "master_instance_count" { description = "Number of OpenShift Masters nodes to deploy. 1 is non HA and 3 is for HA." default = 1 } variable "infra_instance_count" { description = "Number of OpenShift infra nodes to deploy. 1 is non HA. Choose 2 or 3 for HA." default = 1 } variable "node_instance_count" { description = "Number of OpenShift nodes to deploy. Allowed values: 1-30" default = 1 } variable "data_disk_size" { description = "Size of data disk to attach to nodes for Docker volume - valid sizes are 128 GB, 512 GB and 1023 GB" default = 128 } variable "admin_username" { description = "Admin username for both OS login and OpenShift login" default = "ocpadmin" } variable "openshift_password" { description = "Password for OpenShift login" } variable "ssh_public_key" { description = "Path to your SSH Public Key" } variable "connection_private_ssh_key_path" { description = "Path to the private ssh key used to connect to machines within the OpenShift cluster." } variable "key_vault_resource_group" { description = "The name of the Resource Group that contains the Key Vault" } variable "key_vault_name" { description = "The name of the Key Vault you will use" } variable "key_vault_secret" { description = "The Secret Name you used when creating the Secret (that contains the Private Key)" } variable "aad_client_id" { description = "Azure Active Directory Client ID also known as Application ID for Service Principal" } variable "aad_client_secret" { description = "Azure Active Directory Client Secret for Service Principal" } variable "default_sub_domain_type" { description = "This will either be 'xipio' (if you don't have your own domain) or 'custom' if you have your own domain that you would like to use for routing" default = "xipio" } variable "default_sub_domain" { description = "The wildcard DNS name you would like to use for routing if you selected 'custom' above. If you selected 'xipio' above, then this field will be ignored" default = "" } variable "api_version_compute" { default = "2015-06-15" } variable "api_version" { default = "2015-01-01" }