--- layout: "gitlab" page_title: "GitLab: gitlab_project" sidebar_current: "docs-gitlab-resource-project" description: |- Creates and manages projects within Github organizations --- # gitlab\_project This resource allows you to create and manage projects within your GitLab organization. ## Example Usage ```hcl resource "gitlab_repository" "example" { name = "example" description = "My awesome codebase" visbility_level = "public" } ``` ## Argument Reference The following arguments are supported: * `name` - (Required) The name of the project. * `description` - (Optional) A description of the project. * `default_branch` - (Optional) The default branch for the project. * `issues_enabled` - (Optional) Enable issue tracking for the project. * `merge_requests_enabled` - (Optional) Enable merge requests for the project. * `wiki_enabled` - (Optional) Enable wiki for the project. * `snippets_enabled` - (Optional) Enable snippets for the project. * `visbility_level` - (Optional) Set to `public` to create a public project. Valid values are `private`, `internal`, `public`. Repositories are created as private by default. ## Attributes Reference The following additional attributes are exported: * `ssh_url_to_repo` - URL that can be provided to `git clone` to clone the repository via SSH. * `http_url_to_repo` - URL that can be provided to `git clone` to clone the repository via HTTP. * `web_url` - URL that can be used to find the project in a browser.