package cloudstack import ( "errors" "fmt" "log" "strings" "" "" ) func resourceCloudStackNIC() *schema.Resource { return &schema.Resource{ Create: resourceCloudStackNICCreate, Read: resourceCloudStackNICRead, Delete: resourceCloudStackNICDelete, Schema: map[string]*schema.Schema{ "network_id": &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, Computed: true, ForceNew: true, }, "network": &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, ForceNew: true, Deprecated: "Please use the `network_id` field instead", }, "ip_address": &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, Computed: true, ForceNew: true, }, "ipaddress": &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, ForceNew: true, Deprecated: "Please use the `ip_address` field instead", }, "virtual_machine_id": &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, Computed: true, ForceNew: true, }, "virtual_machine": &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, ForceNew: true, Deprecated: "Please use the `virtual_machine_id` field instead", }, }, } } func resourceCloudStackNICCreate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { cs := meta.(*cloudstack.CloudStackClient) network, ok := d.GetOk("network_id") if !ok { network, ok = d.GetOk("network") } if !ok { return errors.New("Either `network_id` or [deprecated] `network` must be provided.") } // Retrieve the network ID networkid, e := retrieveID(cs, "network", network.(string)) if e != nil { return e.Error() } virtualmachine, ok := d.GetOk("virtual_machine_id") if !ok { virtualmachine, ok = d.GetOk("virtual_machine") } if !ok { return errors.New( "Either `virtual_machine_id` or [deprecated] `virtual_machine` must be provided.") } // Retrieve the virtual_machine ID virtualmachineid, e := retrieveID(cs, "virtual_machine", virtualmachine.(string)) if e != nil { return e.Error() } // Create a new parameter struct p := cs.VirtualMachine.NewAddNicToVirtualMachineParams(networkid, virtualmachineid) // If there is a ipaddres supplied, add it to the parameter struct ipaddress, ok := d.GetOk("ip_address") if !ok { ipaddress, ok = d.GetOk("ipaddress") } if ok { p.SetIpaddress(ipaddress.(string)) } // Create and attach the new NIC r, err := cs.VirtualMachine.AddNicToVirtualMachine(p) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Error creating the new NIC: %s", err) } found := false for _, n := range r.Nic { if n.Networkid == networkid { d.SetId(n.Id) found = true break } } if !found { return fmt.Errorf("Could not find NIC ID for network ID: %s", networkid) } return resourceCloudStackNICRead(d, meta) } func resourceCloudStackNICRead(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { cs := meta.(*cloudstack.CloudStackClient) virtualmachine, ok := d.GetOk("virtual_machine_id") if !ok { virtualmachine, ok = d.GetOk("virtual_machine") } if !ok { return errors.New( "Either `virtual_machine_id` or [deprecated] `virtual_machine` must be provided.") } // Retrieve the virtual_machine ID virtualmachineid, e := retrieveID(cs, "virtual_machine", virtualmachine.(string)) if e != nil { return e.Error() } // Get the virtual machine details vm, count, err := cs.VirtualMachine.GetVirtualMachineByID(virtualmachineid) if err != nil { if count == 0 { log.Printf("[DEBUG] Instance %s does no longer exist", d.Get("virtual_machine").(string)) d.SetId("") return nil } return err } // Read NIC info found := false for _, n := range vm.Nic { if n.Id == d.Id() { d.Set("ip_address", n.Ipaddress) d.Set("network_id", n.Networkid) d.Set("virtual_machine_id", vm.Id) found = true break } } if !found { log.Printf("[DEBUG] NIC for network ID %s does no longer exist", d.Get("network_id").(string)) d.SetId("") } return nil } func resourceCloudStackNICDelete(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { cs := meta.(*cloudstack.CloudStackClient) virtualmachine, ok := d.GetOk("virtual_machine_id") if !ok { virtualmachine, ok = d.GetOk("virtual_machine") } if !ok { return errors.New( "Either `virtual_machine_id` or [deprecated] `virtual_machine` must be provided.") } // Retrieve the virtual_machine ID virtualmachineid, e := retrieveID(cs, "virtual_machine", virtualmachine.(string)) if e != nil { return e.Error() } // Create a new parameter struct p := cs.VirtualMachine.NewRemoveNicFromVirtualMachineParams(d.Id(), virtualmachineid) // Remove the NIC _, err := cs.VirtualMachine.RemoveNicFromVirtualMachine(p) if err != nil { // This is a very poor way to be told the ID does no longer exist :( if strings.Contains(err.Error(), fmt.Sprintf( "Invalid parameter id value=%s due to incorrect long value format, "+ "or entity does not exist", d.Id())) { return nil } return fmt.Errorf("Error deleting NIC: %s", err) } return nil }