--- page_title: Expressions Landing Page - Configuration Language --- # Expressions Landing Page To improve navigation, we've split the old Expressions page into several smaller pages. ## Types and Values, Literal Expressions, Indices and Attributes Terraform's types are `string`, `number`, `bool`, `list`, `tuple`, `map`, `object`, and `null`. This information has moved to [Types and Values](/language/expressions/types).
## References to Named Values (Resource Attributes, Variables, etc.) You can refer to certain values by name, like `var.some_variable` or `aws_instance.example.ami`. This information has moved to [References to Values](/language/expressions/references).
## Arithmetic and Logical Operators Operators are expressions that transform other expressions, like adding two numbers (`+`) or comparing two values to get a bool (`==`, `>=`, etc.). This information has moved to [Operators](/language/expressions/operators).
## Conditional Expressions The `condition ? true_val : false_val` expression chooses between two expressions based on a bool condition. This information has moved to [Conditional Expressions](/language/expressions/conditionals).
## Function Calls Terraform's functions can be called like `function_name(arg1, arg2)`. This information has moved to [Function Calls](/language/expressions/function-calls).
## `for` Expressions Expressions like `[for s in var.list : upper(s)]` can transform a complex type value into another complex type value. This information has moved to [For Expressions](/language/expressions/for).
## Splat Expressions Expressions like `var.list[*].id` can extract simpler collections from complex collections. This information has moved to [Splat Expressions](/language/expressions/splat).
## `dynamic` Blocks The special `dynamic` block type serves the same purpose as a `for` expression, except it creates multiple repeatable nested blocks instead of a complex value. This information has moved to [Dynamic Blocks](/language/expressions/dynamic-blocks).
## String Literals and String Templates Strings can be `"double-quoted"` or ```hcl <