package jsonapi import ( "bytes" "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "io" "reflect" "strconv" "strings" "time" ) const ( unsuportedStructTagMsg = "Unsupported jsonapi tag annotation, %s" ) var ( // ErrInvalidTime is returned when a struct has a time.Time type field, but // the JSON value was not a unix timestamp integer. ErrInvalidTime = errors.New("Only numbers can be parsed as dates, unix timestamps") // ErrInvalidISO8601 is returned when a struct has a time.Time type field and includes // "iso8601" in the tag spec, but the JSON value was not an ISO8601 timestamp string. ErrInvalidISO8601 = errors.New("Only strings can be parsed as dates, ISO8601 timestamps") // ErrUnknownFieldNumberType is returned when the JSON value was a float // (numeric) but the Struct field was a non numeric type (i.e. not int, uint, // float, etc) ErrUnknownFieldNumberType = errors.New("The struct field was not of a known number type") // ErrInvalidType is returned when the given type is incompatible with the expected type. ErrInvalidType = errors.New("Invalid type provided") // I wish we used punctuation. ) // ErrUnsupportedPtrType is returned when the Struct field was a pointer but // the JSON value was of a different type type ErrUnsupportedPtrType struct { rf reflect.Value t reflect.Type structField reflect.StructField } func (eupt ErrUnsupportedPtrType) Error() string { typeName := eupt.t.Elem().Name() kind := eupt.t.Elem().Kind() if kind.String() != "" && kind.String() != typeName { typeName = fmt.Sprintf("%s (%s)", typeName, kind.String()) } return fmt.Sprintf( "jsonapi: Can't unmarshal %+v (%s) to struct field `%s`, which is a pointer to `%s`", eupt.rf, eupt.rf.Type().Kind(), eupt.structField.Name, typeName, ) } func newErrUnsupportedPtrType(rf reflect.Value, t reflect.Type, structField reflect.StructField) error { return ErrUnsupportedPtrType{rf, t, structField} } // UnmarshalPayload converts an io into a struct instance using jsonapi tags on // struct fields. This method supports single request payloads only, at the // moment. Bulk creates and updates are not supported yet. // // Will Unmarshal embedded and sideloaded payloads. The latter is only possible if the // object graph is complete. That is, in the "relationships" data there are type and id, // keys that correspond to records in the "included" array. // // For example you could pass it, in, req.Body and, model, a BlogPost // struct instance to populate in an http handler, // // func CreateBlog(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { // blog := new(Blog) // // if err := jsonapi.UnmarshalPayload(r.Body, blog); err != nil { // http.Error(w, err.Error(), 500) // return // } // // // stuff with your blog... // // w.Header().Set("Content-Type", jsonapi.MediaType) // w.WriteHeader(201) // // if err := jsonapi.MarshalPayload(w, blog); err != nil { // http.Error(w, err.Error(), 500) // } // } // // // Visit for more info. // // model interface{} should be a pointer to a struct. func UnmarshalPayload(in io.Reader, model interface{}) error { payload := new(OnePayload) if err := json.NewDecoder(in).Decode(payload); err != nil { return err } if payload.Included != nil { includedMap := make(map[string]*Node) for _, included := range payload.Included { key := fmt.Sprintf("%s,%s", included.Type, included.ID) includedMap[key] = included } return unmarshalNode(payload.Data, reflect.ValueOf(model), &includedMap) } return unmarshalNode(payload.Data, reflect.ValueOf(model), nil) } // UnmarshalManyPayload converts an io into a set of struct instances using // jsonapi tags on the type's struct fields. func UnmarshalManyPayload(in io.Reader, t reflect.Type) ([]interface{}, error) { payload := new(ManyPayload) if err := json.NewDecoder(in).Decode(payload); err != nil { return nil, err } models := []interface{}{} // will be populated from the "data" includedMap := map[string]*Node{} // will be populate from the "included" if payload.Included != nil { for _, included := range payload.Included { key := fmt.Sprintf("%s,%s", included.Type, included.ID) includedMap[key] = included } } for _, data := range payload.Data { model := reflect.New(t.Elem()) err := unmarshalNode(data, model, &includedMap) if err != nil { return nil, err } models = append(models, model.Interface()) } return models, nil } func unmarshalNode(data *Node, model reflect.Value, included *map[string]*Node) (err error) { defer func() { if r := recover(); r != nil { err = fmt.Errorf("data is not a jsonapi representation of '%v'", model.Type()) } }() modelValue := model.Elem() modelType := model.Type().Elem() var er error for i := 0; i < modelValue.NumField(); i++ { fieldType := modelType.Field(i) tag := fieldType.Tag.Get("jsonapi") if tag == "" { continue } fieldValue := modelValue.Field(i) args := strings.Split(tag, ",") if len(args) < 1 { er = ErrBadJSONAPIStructTag break } annotation := args[0] if (annotation == annotationClientID && len(args) != 1) || (annotation != annotationClientID && len(args) < 2) { er = ErrBadJSONAPIStructTag break } if annotation == annotationPrimary { if data.ID == "" { continue } // Check the JSON API Type if data.Type != args[1] { er = fmt.Errorf( "Trying to Unmarshal an object of type %#v, but %#v does not match", data.Type, args[1], ) break } // ID will have to be transmitted as astring per the JSON API spec v := reflect.ValueOf(data.ID) // Deal with PTRS var kind reflect.Kind if fieldValue.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { kind = fieldType.Type.Elem().Kind() } else { kind = fieldType.Type.Kind() } // Handle String case if kind == reflect.String { assign(fieldValue, v) continue } // Value was not a string... only other supported type was a numeric, // which would have been sent as a float value. floatValue, err := strconv.ParseFloat(data.ID, 64) if err != nil { // Could not convert the value in the "id" attr to a float er = ErrBadJSONAPIID break } // Convert the numeric float to one of the supported ID numeric types // (int[8,16,32,64] or uint[8,16,32,64]) var idValue reflect.Value switch kind { case reflect.Int: n := int(floatValue) idValue = reflect.ValueOf(&n) case reflect.Int8: n := int8(floatValue) idValue = reflect.ValueOf(&n) case reflect.Int16: n := int16(floatValue) idValue = reflect.ValueOf(&n) case reflect.Int32: n := int32(floatValue) idValue = reflect.ValueOf(&n) case reflect.Int64: n := int64(floatValue) idValue = reflect.ValueOf(&n) case reflect.Uint: n := uint(floatValue) idValue = reflect.ValueOf(&n) case reflect.Uint8: n := uint8(floatValue) idValue = reflect.ValueOf(&n) case reflect.Uint16: n := uint16(floatValue) idValue = reflect.ValueOf(&n) case reflect.Uint32: n := uint32(floatValue) idValue = reflect.ValueOf(&n) case reflect.Uint64: n := uint64(floatValue) idValue = reflect.ValueOf(&n) default: // We had a JSON float (numeric), but our field was not one of the // allowed numeric types er = ErrBadJSONAPIID break } assign(fieldValue, idValue) } else if annotation == annotationClientID { if data.ClientID == "" { continue } fieldValue.Set(reflect.ValueOf(data.ClientID)) } else if annotation == annotationAttribute { attributes := data.Attributes if attributes == nil || len(data.Attributes) == 0 { continue } attribute := attributes[args[1]] // continue if the attribute was not included in the request if attribute == nil { continue } structField := fieldType value, err := unmarshalAttribute(attribute, args, structField, fieldValue) if err != nil { er = err break } assign(fieldValue, value) continue } else if annotation == annotationRelation { isSlice := fieldValue.Type().Kind() == reflect.Slice if data.Relationships == nil || data.Relationships[args[1]] == nil { continue } if isSlice { // to-many relationship relationship := new(RelationshipManyNode) buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil) json.NewEncoder(buf).Encode(data.Relationships[args[1]]) json.NewDecoder(buf).Decode(relationship) data := relationship.Data models := reflect.New(fieldValue.Type()).Elem() for _, n := range data { m := reflect.New(fieldValue.Type().Elem().Elem()) if err := unmarshalNode( fullNode(n, included), m, included, ); err != nil { er = err break } models = reflect.Append(models, m) } fieldValue.Set(models) } else { // to-one relationships relationship := new(RelationshipOneNode) buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil) json.NewEncoder(buf).Encode( data.Relationships[args[1]], ) json.NewDecoder(buf).Decode(relationship) /* relationship can have a data node set to null (e.g. to disassociate the relationship) so unmarshal and set fieldValue only if data obj is not null */ if relationship.Data == nil { continue } m := reflect.New(fieldValue.Type().Elem()) if err := unmarshalNode( fullNode(relationship.Data, included), m, included, ); err != nil { er = err break } fieldValue.Set(m) } } else { er = fmt.Errorf(unsuportedStructTagMsg, annotation) } } return er } func fullNode(n *Node, included *map[string]*Node) *Node { includedKey := fmt.Sprintf("%s,%s", n.Type, n.ID) if included != nil && (*included)[includedKey] != nil { return (*included)[includedKey] } return n } // assign will take the value specified and assign it to the field; if // field is expecting a ptr assign will assign a ptr. func assign(field, value reflect.Value) { value = reflect.Indirect(value) if field.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { // initialize pointer so it's value // can be set by assignValue field.Set(reflect.New(field.Type().Elem())) assignValue(field.Elem(), value) } else { assignValue(field, value) } } // assign assigns the specified value to the field, // expecting both values not to be pointer types. func assignValue(field, value reflect.Value) { switch field.Kind() { case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64: field.SetInt(value.Int()) case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr: field.SetUint(value.Uint()) case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64: field.SetFloat(value.Float()) case reflect.String: field.SetString(value.String()) case reflect.Bool: field.SetBool(value.Bool()) default: field.Set(value) } } func unmarshalAttribute( attribute interface{}, args []string, structField reflect.StructField, fieldValue reflect.Value) (value reflect.Value, err error) { value = reflect.ValueOf(attribute) fieldType := structField.Type // Handle field of type []string if fieldValue.Type() == reflect.TypeOf([]string{}) { value, err = handleStringSlice(attribute, args, fieldType, fieldValue) return } // Handle field of type time.Time if fieldValue.Type() == reflect.TypeOf(time.Time{}) || fieldValue.Type() == reflect.TypeOf(new(time.Time)) { value, err = handleTime(attribute, args, fieldType, fieldValue) return } // Handle field of type struct if fieldValue.Type().Kind() == reflect.Struct { value, err = handleStruct(attribute, args, fieldType, fieldValue) return } // Handle field containing slice of structs if fieldValue.Type().Kind() == reflect.Slice { elem := reflect.TypeOf(fieldValue.Interface()).Elem() if elem.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { elem = elem.Elem() } if elem.Kind() == reflect.Struct { value, err = handleStructSlice(attribute, args, fieldType, fieldValue) return } } // JSON value was a float (numeric) if value.Kind() == reflect.Float64 { value, err = handleNumeric(attribute, args, fieldType, fieldValue) return } // Field was a Pointer type if fieldValue.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { value, err = handlePointer(attribute, args, fieldType, fieldValue, structField) return } // As a final catch-all, ensure types line up to avoid a runtime panic. if fieldValue.Kind() != value.Kind() { err = ErrInvalidType return } return } func handleStringSlice( attribute interface{}, args []string, fieldType reflect.Type, fieldValue reflect.Value) (reflect.Value, error) { v := reflect.ValueOf(attribute) values := make([]string, v.Len()) for i := 0; i < v.Len(); i++ { values[i] = v.Index(i).Interface().(string) } return reflect.ValueOf(values), nil } func handleTime( attribute interface{}, args []string, fieldType reflect.Type, fieldValue reflect.Value) (reflect.Value, error) { var isIso8601 bool v := reflect.ValueOf(attribute) if len(args) > 2 { for _, arg := range args[2:] { if arg == annotationISO8601 { isIso8601 = true } } } if isIso8601 { var tm string if v.Kind() == reflect.String { tm = v.Interface().(string) } else { return reflect.ValueOf(time.Now()), ErrInvalidISO8601 } t, err := time.Parse(iso8601TimeFormat, tm) if err != nil { return reflect.ValueOf(time.Now()), ErrInvalidISO8601 } if fieldValue.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { return reflect.ValueOf(&t), nil } return reflect.ValueOf(t), nil } var at int64 if v.Kind() == reflect.Float64 { at = int64(v.Interface().(float64)) } else if v.Kind() == reflect.Int { at = v.Int() } else { return reflect.ValueOf(time.Now()), ErrInvalidTime } t := time.Unix(at, 0) return reflect.ValueOf(t), nil } func handleNumeric( attribute interface{}, args []string, fieldType reflect.Type, fieldValue reflect.Value) (reflect.Value, error) { v := reflect.ValueOf(attribute) floatValue := v.Interface().(float64) var kind reflect.Kind if fieldValue.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { kind = fieldType.Elem().Kind() } else { kind = fieldType.Kind() } var numericValue reflect.Value switch kind { case reflect.Int: n := int(floatValue) numericValue = reflect.ValueOf(&n) case reflect.Int8: n := int8(floatValue) numericValue = reflect.ValueOf(&n) case reflect.Int16: n := int16(floatValue) numericValue = reflect.ValueOf(&n) case reflect.Int32: n := int32(floatValue) numericValue = reflect.ValueOf(&n) case reflect.Int64: n := int64(floatValue) numericValue = reflect.ValueOf(&n) case reflect.Uint: n := uint(floatValue) numericValue = reflect.ValueOf(&n) case reflect.Uint8: n := uint8(floatValue) numericValue = reflect.ValueOf(&n) case reflect.Uint16: n := uint16(floatValue) numericValue = reflect.ValueOf(&n) case reflect.Uint32: n := uint32(floatValue) numericValue = reflect.ValueOf(&n) case reflect.Uint64: n := uint64(floatValue) numericValue = reflect.ValueOf(&n) case reflect.Float32: n := float32(floatValue) numericValue = reflect.ValueOf(&n) case reflect.Float64: n := floatValue numericValue = reflect.ValueOf(&n) default: return reflect.Value{}, ErrUnknownFieldNumberType } return numericValue, nil } func handlePointer( attribute interface{}, args []string, fieldType reflect.Type, fieldValue reflect.Value, structField reflect.StructField) (reflect.Value, error) { t := fieldValue.Type() var concreteVal reflect.Value switch cVal := attribute.(type) { case string: concreteVal = reflect.ValueOf(&cVal) case bool: concreteVal = reflect.ValueOf(&cVal) case complex64, complex128, uintptr: concreteVal = reflect.ValueOf(&cVal) case map[string]interface{}: var err error concreteVal, err = handleStruct(attribute, args, fieldType, fieldValue) if err != nil { return reflect.Value{}, newErrUnsupportedPtrType( reflect.ValueOf(attribute), fieldType, structField) } return concreteVal.Elem(), err default: return reflect.Value{}, newErrUnsupportedPtrType( reflect.ValueOf(attribute), fieldType, structField) } if t != concreteVal.Type() { return reflect.Value{}, newErrUnsupportedPtrType( reflect.ValueOf(attribute), fieldType, structField) } return concreteVal, nil } func handleStruct( attribute interface{}, args []string, fieldType reflect.Type, fieldValue reflect.Value) (reflect.Value, error) { model := reflect.New(fieldValue.Type()) data, err := json.Marshal(attribute) if err != nil { return model, err } err = json.Unmarshal(data, model.Interface()) if err != nil { return model, err } return model, err } func handleStructSlice( attribute interface{}, args []string, fieldType reflect.Type, fieldValue reflect.Value) (reflect.Value, error) { models := reflect.New(fieldValue.Type()).Elem() dataMap := reflect.ValueOf(attribute).Interface().([]interface{}) for _, data := range dataMap { model := reflect.New(fieldValue.Type().Elem()).Elem() modelType := model.Type() value, err := handleStruct(data, []string{}, modelType, model) if err != nil { continue } models = reflect.Append(models, reflect.Indirect(value)) } return models, nil }