--- layout: "tls" page_title: "TLS: tls_cert_request" sidebar_current: "docs-tls-resourse-cert-request" description: |- Creates a PEM-encoded certificate request. --- # tls\_cert\_request Generates a *Certificate Signing Request* (CSR) in PEM format, which is the typical format used to request a certificate from a certificate authority. This resource is intended to be used in conjunction with a Terraform provider for a particular certificate authority in order to provision a new certificate. This is a *logical resource*, so it contributes only to the current Terraform state and does not create any external managed resources. ## Example Usage ``` resource "tls_cert_request" "example" { key_algorithm = "ECDSA" private_key_pem = "${file(\"private_key.pem\")}" subject { common_name = "example.com" organization = "ACME Examples, Inc" } } ``` ## Argument Reference The following arguments are supported: * `key_algorithm` - (Required) The name of the algorithm for the key provided in `private_key_pem`. * `private_key_pem` - (Required) PEM-encoded private key data. This can be read from a separate file using the ``file`` interpolation function. Only an irreversable secure hash of the private key will be stored in the Terraform state. * `subject` - (Required) The subject for which a certificate is being requested. This is a nested configuration block whose structure is described below. * `dns_names` - (Optional) List of DNS names for which a certificate is being requested. * `ip_addresses` - (Optional) List of IP addresses for which a certificate is being requested. The nested `subject` block accepts the following arguments, all optional, with their meaning corresponding to the similarly-named attributes defined in [RFC5290](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5280#section- * `common_name` (string) * `organization` (string) * `organizational_unit` (string) * `street_address` (list of strings) * `locality` (string) * `province` (string) * `country` (string) * `postal_code` (string) * `serial_number` (string) ## Attributes Reference The following attributes are exported: * `cert_request_pem` - The certificate request data in PEM format.