--- layout: "rancher" page_title: "Rancher: rancher_registry" sidebar_current: "docs-rancher-resource-registry" description: |- Provides a Rancher Registy resource. This can be used to create registries for rancher environments and retrieve their information. --- # rancher\_registry Provides a Rancher Registy resource. This can be used to create registries for rancher environments and retrieve their information ## Example Usage ```hcl # Create a new Rancher registry resource "rancher_registry" "dockerhub" { name = "dockerhub" description = "DockerHub Registry" environment_id = "${rancher_environment.default.id}" server_address = "index.dockerhub.io" } ``` ## Argument Reference The following arguments are supported: * `name` - (Required) The name of the registry. * `description` - (Optional) A registry description. * `environment_id` - (Required) The ID of the environment to create the registry for. * `server_address` - (Required) The server address for the registry. ## Attributes Reference No further attributes are exported. ## Import Registries can be imported using their Rancher API ID, e.g. ``` $ terraform import rancher_registry.private_registry 1sp31 ```