package schema import ( "fmt" "reflect" "strconv" "strings" "sync" "" "" ) // getSource represents the level we want to get for a value (internally). // Any source less than or equal to the level will be loaded (whichever // has a value first). type getSource byte const ( getSourceState getSource = iota getSourceConfig getSourceDiff getSourceSet ) // ResourceData is used to query and set the attributes of a resource. type ResourceData struct { schema map[string]*Schema config *terraform.ResourceConfig state *terraform.ResourceState diff *terraform.ResourceDiff diffing bool setMap map[string]string newState *terraform.ResourceState once sync.Once } // Get returns the data for the given key, or nil if the key doesn't exist. // // The type of the data returned will be according to the schema specified. // Primitives will be their respective types in Go, lists will always be // []interface{}, and sub-resources will be map[string]interface{}. func (d *ResourceData) Get(key string) interface{} { var parts []string if key != "" { parts = strings.Split(key, ".") } return d.getObject("", parts, d.schema, getSourceSet) } // GetChange returns the old and new value for a given key. // // If there is no change, then old and new will simply be the same. func (d *ResourceData) GetChange(key string) (interface{}, interface{}) { return d.getChange(key, getSourceConfig, getSourceDiff) } // HasChange returns whether or not the given key has been changed. func (d *ResourceData) HasChange(key string) bool { o, n := d.GetChange(key) return !reflect.DeepEqual(o, n) } // Set sets the value for the given key. // // If the key is invalid or the value is not a correct type, an error // will be returned. func (d *ResourceData) Set(key string, value interface{}) error { if d.setMap == nil { d.setMap = make(map[string]string) } parts := strings.Split(key, ".") return d.setObject("", parts, d.schema, value) } // Id returns the ID of the resource. func (d *ResourceData) Id() string { var result string if d.state != nil { result = d.state.ID } if d.newState != nil { result = d.newState.ID } return result } // Dependencies returns the dependencies in this state. func (d *ResourceData) Dependencies() []terraform.ResourceDependency { if d.newState != nil { return d.newState.Dependencies } if d.state != nil { return d.state.Dependencies } return nil } // SetId sets the ID of the resource. If the value is blank, then the // resource is destroyed. func (d *ResourceData) SetId(v string) { d.once.Do(d.init) d.newState.ID = v } // SetDependencies sets the dependencies of a resource. func (d *ResourceData) SetDependencies(ds []terraform.ResourceDependency) { d.once.Do(d.init) d.newState.Dependencies = ds } // State returns the new ResourceState after the diff and any Set // calls. func (d *ResourceData) State() *terraform.ResourceState { var result terraform.ResourceState result.ID = d.Id() result.Attributes = d.stateObject("", d.schema) result.Dependencies = d.Dependencies() if v := d.Id(); v != "" { result.Attributes["id"] = d.Id() } return &result } func (d *ResourceData) init() { var copyState terraform.ResourceState if d.state != nil { copyState = *d.state } d.newState = ©State } func (d *ResourceData) diffChange(k string) (interface{}, interface{}, bool) { // Get the change between the state and the config. o, n := d.getChange(k, getSourceState, getSourceConfig) // Return the old, new, and whether there is a change return o, n, !reflect.DeepEqual(o, n) } func (d *ResourceData) getChange( key string, oldLevel getSource, newLevel getSource) (interface{}, interface{}) { var parts []string if key != "" { parts = strings.Split(key, ".") } o := d.getObject("", parts, d.schema, oldLevel) n := d.getObject("", parts, d.schema, newLevel) return o, n } func (d *ResourceData) get( k string, parts []string, schema *Schema, source getSource) interface{} { switch schema.Type { case TypeList: return d.getList(k, parts, schema, source) case TypeMap: return d.getMap(k, parts, schema, source) default: return d.getPrimitive(k, parts, schema, source) } } func (d *ResourceData) getMap( k string, parts []string, schema *Schema, source getSource) interface{} { elemSchema := &Schema{Type: TypeString} result := make(map[string]interface{}) prefix := k + "." if d.state != nil && source >= getSourceState { for k, _ := range d.state.Attributes { if !strings.HasPrefix(k, prefix) { continue } single := k[len(prefix):] result[single] = d.getPrimitive(k, nil, elemSchema, source) } } if d.config != nil && source == getSourceConfig { // For config, we always set the result to exactly what was requested if m, ok := d.config.Get(k); ok { result = m.(map[string]interface{}) } else { result = nil } } if d.diff != nil && source >= getSourceDiff { for k, v := range d.diff.Attributes { if !strings.HasPrefix(k, prefix) { continue } single := k[len(prefix):] if v.NewRemoved { delete(result, single) } else { result[single] = d.getPrimitive(k, nil, elemSchema, source) } } } if d.setMap != nil && source >= getSourceSet { cleared := false for k, _ := range d.setMap { if !strings.HasPrefix(k, prefix) { continue } if !cleared { // We clear the results if they are in the set map result = make(map[string]interface{}) cleared = true } single := k[len(prefix):] result[single] = d.getPrimitive(k, nil, elemSchema, source) } } return result } func (d *ResourceData) getObject( k string, parts []string, schema map[string]*Schema, source getSource) interface{} { if len(parts) > 0 { // We're requesting a specific key in an object key := parts[0] parts = parts[1:] s, ok := schema[key] if !ok { return nil } if k != "" { // If we're not at the root, then we need to append // the key to get the full key path. key = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", k, key) } return d.get(key, parts, s, source) } // Get the entire object result := make(map[string]interface{}) for field, _ := range schema { result[field] = d.getObject(k, []string{field}, schema, source) } return result } func (d *ResourceData) getList( k string, parts []string, schema *Schema, source getSource) interface{} { if len(parts) > 0 { // We still have parts left over meaning we're accessing an // element of this list. idx := parts[0] parts = parts[1:] // Special case if we're accessing the count of the list if idx == "#" { schema := &Schema{Type: TypeInt} result := d.get(k+".#", parts, schema, source) if result == nil { result = 0 } return result } key := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", k, idx) switch t := schema.Elem.(type) { case *Resource: return d.getObject(key, parts, t.Schema, source) case *Schema: return d.get(key, parts, t, source) } } // Get the entire list. result := make( []interface{}, d.getList(k, []string{"#"}, schema, source).(int)) for i, _ := range result { is := strconv.FormatInt(int64(i), 10) result[i] = d.getList(k, []string{is}, schema, source) } return result } func (d *ResourceData) getPrimitive( k string, parts []string, schema *Schema, source getSource) interface{} { var result string var resultSet bool if d.state != nil && source >= getSourceState { result, resultSet = d.state.Attributes[k] } if d.config != nil && source == getSourceConfig { // For config, we always return the exact value if v, ok := d.config.Get(k); ok { if err := mapstructure.WeakDecode(v, &result); err != nil { panic(err) } } else { result = "" } resultSet = true } if d.diff != nil && source >= getSourceDiff { attrD, ok := d.diff.Attributes[k] if ok && !attrD.NewComputed { result = attrD.New resultSet = true } } if d.setMap != nil && source >= getSourceSet { if v, ok := d.setMap[k]; ok { result = v resultSet = true } } if !resultSet { return nil } switch schema.Type { case TypeBool: if result == "" { return false } v, err := strconv.ParseBool(result) if err != nil { panic(err) } return v case TypeString: // Use the value as-is. We just put this case here to be explicit. return result case TypeInt: if result == "" { return 0 } v, err := strconv.ParseInt(result, 0, 0) if err != nil { panic(err) } return int(v) default: panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unknown type: %s", schema.Type)) } } func (d *ResourceData) set( k string, parts []string, schema *Schema, value interface{}) error { switch schema.Type { case TypeList: return d.setList(k, parts, schema, value) case TypeMap: return d.setMapValue(k, parts, schema, value) default: return d.setPrimitive(k, schema, value) } } func (d *ResourceData) setList( k string, parts []string, schema *Schema, value interface{}) error { if len(parts) > 0 { // We're setting a specific element idx := parts[0] parts = parts[1:] // Special case if we're accessing the count of the list if idx == "#" { return fmt.Errorf("%s: can't set count of list", k) } key := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", k, idx) switch t := schema.Elem.(type) { case *Resource: return d.setObject(key, parts, t.Schema, value) case *Schema: return d.set(key, parts, t, value) } } var vs []interface{} if err := mapstructure.Decode(value, &vs); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("%s: %s", k, err) } // Set the entire list. var err error for i, elem := range vs { is := strconv.FormatInt(int64(i), 10) err = d.setList(k, []string{is}, schema, elem) if err != nil { break } } if err != nil { for i, _ := range vs { is := strconv.FormatInt(int64(i), 10) d.setList(k, []string{is}, schema, nil) } return err } d.setMap[k+".#"] = strconv.FormatInt(int64(len(vs)), 10) return nil } func (d *ResourceData) setMapValue( k string, parts []string, schema *Schema, value interface{}) error { elemSchema := &Schema{Type: TypeString} if len(parts) > 0 { return fmt.Errorf("%s: full map must be set, no a single element", k) } // Delete any prior map set /* v := d.getMap(k, nil, schema, getSourceSet) for subKey, _ := range v.(map[string]interface{}) { delete(d.setMap, fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", k, subKey)) } */ v := reflect.ValueOf(value) if v.Kind() != reflect.Map { return fmt.Errorf("%s: must be a map", k) } if v.Type().Key().Kind() != reflect.String { return fmt.Errorf("%s: keys must strings", k) } vs := make(map[string]interface{}) for _, mk := range v.MapKeys() { mv := v.MapIndex(mk) vs[mk.String()] = mv.Interface() } for subKey, v := range vs { err := d.set(fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", k, subKey), nil, elemSchema, v) if err != nil { return err } } return nil } func (d *ResourceData) setObject( k string, parts []string, schema map[string]*Schema, value interface{}) error { if len(parts) > 0 { // We're setting a specific key in an object key := parts[0] parts = parts[1:] s, ok := schema[key] if !ok { return fmt.Errorf("%s (internal): unknown key to set: %s", k, key) } if k != "" { // If we're not at the root, then we need to append // the key to get the full key path. key = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", k, key) } return d.set(key, parts, s, value) } // Set the entire object. First decode into a proper structure var v map[string]interface{} if err := mapstructure.Decode(value, &v); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("%s: %s", k, err) } // Set each element in turn var err error for k1, v1 := range v { err = d.setObject(k, []string{k1}, schema, v1) if err != nil { break } } if err != nil { for k1, _ := range v { d.setObject(k, []string{k1}, schema, nil) } } return err } func (d *ResourceData) setPrimitive( k string, schema *Schema, v interface{}) error { if v == nil { delete(d.setMap, k) return nil } var set string switch schema.Type { case TypeBool: var b bool if err := mapstructure.Decode(v, &b); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("%s: %s", k, err) } set = strconv.FormatBool(b) case TypeString: if err := mapstructure.Decode(v, &set); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("%s: %s", k, err) } case TypeInt: var n int if err := mapstructure.Decode(v, &n); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("%s: %s", k, err) } set = strconv.FormatInt(int64(n), 10) default: return fmt.Errorf("Unknown type: %s", schema.Type) } d.setMap[k] = set return nil } func (d *ResourceData) stateList( prefix string, schema *Schema) map[string]string { countRaw := d.get(prefix, []string{"#"}, schema, getSourceSet) if countRaw == nil { return nil } count := countRaw.(int) result := make(map[string]string) if count > 0 { result[prefix+".#"] = strconv.FormatInt(int64(count), 10) } for i := 0; i < count; i++ { key := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%d", prefix, i) var m map[string]string switch t := schema.Elem.(type) { case *Resource: m = d.stateObject(key, t.Schema) case *Schema: m = d.stateSingle(key, t) } for k, v := range m { result[k] = v } } return result } func (d *ResourceData) stateMap( prefix string, schema *Schema) map[string]string { v := d.getMap(prefix, nil, schema, getSourceSet) if v == nil { return nil } elemSchema := &Schema{Type: TypeString} result := make(map[string]string) for mk, _ := range v.(map[string]interface{}) { mp := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", prefix, mk) for k, v := range d.stateSingle(mp, elemSchema) { result[k] = v } } return result } func (d *ResourceData) stateObject( prefix string, schema map[string]*Schema) map[string]string { result := make(map[string]string) for k, v := range schema { key := k if prefix != "" { key = prefix + "." + key } for k1, v1 := range d.stateSingle(key, v) { result[k1] = v1 } } return result } func (d *ResourceData) statePrimitive( prefix string, schema *Schema) map[string]string { v := d.getPrimitive(prefix, nil, schema, getSourceSet) if v == nil { return nil } var vs string switch schema.Type { case TypeBool: vs = strconv.FormatBool(v.(bool)) case TypeString: vs = v.(string) case TypeInt: vs = strconv.FormatInt(int64(v.(int)), 10) default: panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unknown type: %s", schema.Type)) } return map[string]string{ prefix: vs, } } func (d *ResourceData) stateSingle( prefix string, schema *Schema) map[string]string { switch schema.Type { case TypeList: return d.stateList(prefix, schema) case TypeMap: return d.stateMap(prefix, schema) default: return d.statePrimitive(prefix, schema) } }