package circonus import ( "fmt" "net" "net/url" "regexp" "strings" "" "" "" ) const ( // circonus_check.consul.* resource attribute names checkConsulACLTokenAttr = "acl_token" checkConsulAllowStaleAttr = "allow_stale" checkConsulCAChainAttr = "ca_chain" checkConsulCertFileAttr = "certificate_file" checkConsulCheckNameBlacklistAttr = "check_blacklist" checkConsulCiphersAttr = "ciphers" checkConsulDatacenterAttr = "dc" checkConsulHTTPAddrAttr = "http_addr" checkConsulHeadersAttr = "headers" checkConsulKeyFileAttr = "key_file" checkConsulNodeAttr = "node" checkConsulNodeBlacklistAttr = "node_blacklist" checkConsulServiceAttr = "service" checkConsulServiceNameBlacklistAttr = "service_blacklist" checkConsulStateAttr = "state" ) var checkConsulDescriptions = attrDescrs{ checkConsulACLTokenAttr: "A Consul ACL token", checkConsulAllowStaleAttr: "Allow Consul to read from a non-leader system", checkConsulCAChainAttr: "A path to a file containing all the certificate authorities that should be loaded to validate the remote certificate (for TLS checks)", checkConsulCertFileAttr: "A path to a file containing the client certificate that will be presented to the remote server (for TLS-enabled checks)", checkConsulCheckNameBlacklistAttr: "A blacklist of check names to exclude from metric results", checkConsulCiphersAttr: "A list of ciphers to be used in the TLS protocol (for HTTPS checks)", checkConsulDatacenterAttr: "The Consul datacenter to extract health information from", checkConsulHeadersAttr: "Map of HTTP Headers to send along with HTTP Requests", checkConsulHTTPAddrAttr: "The HTTP Address of a Consul agent to query", checkConsulKeyFileAttr: "A path to a file containing key to be used in conjunction with the cilent certificate (for TLS checks)", checkConsulNodeAttr: "Node Name or NodeID of a Consul agent", checkConsulNodeBlacklistAttr: "A blacklist of node names or IDs to exclude from metric results", checkConsulServiceAttr: "Name of the Consul service to check", checkConsulServiceNameBlacklistAttr: "A blacklist of service names to exclude from metric results", checkConsulStateAttr: "Check for Consul services in this particular state", } var consulHealthCheckRE = regexp.MustCompile(fmt.Sprintf(`^%s/(%s|%s|%s)/(.+)`, checkConsulV1Prefix, checkConsulV1NodePrefix, checkConsulV1ServicePrefix, checkConsulV1StatePrefix)) var schemaCheckConsul = &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeList, Optional: true, MaxItems: 1, Elem: &schema.Resource{ Schema: convertToHelperSchema(checkConsulDescriptions, map[schemaAttr]*schema.Schema{ checkConsulACLTokenAttr: &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, ValidateFunc: validateRegexp(checkConsulACLTokenAttr, `^[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+$`), }, checkConsulAllowStaleAttr: &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeBool, Optional: true, Default: true, }, checkConsulCAChainAttr: &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, ValidateFunc: validateRegexp(checkConsulCAChainAttr, `.+`), }, checkConsulCertFileAttr: &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, ValidateFunc: validateRegexp(checkConsulCertFileAttr, `.+`), }, checkConsulCheckNameBlacklistAttr: &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeList, Optional: true, Elem: &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, ValidateFunc: validateRegexp(checkConsulCheckNameBlacklistAttr, `^[A-Za-z0-9_-]+$`), }, }, checkConsulCiphersAttr: &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, ValidateFunc: validateRegexp(checkConsulCiphersAttr, `.+`), }, checkConsulDatacenterAttr: &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, ValidateFunc: validateRegexp(checkConsulCertFileAttr, `^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$`), }, checkConsulHTTPAddrAttr: &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, Default: defaultCheckConsulHTTPAddr, ValidateFunc: validateHTTPURL(checkConsulHTTPAddrAttr, urlIsAbs|urlWithoutPath), }, checkConsulHeadersAttr: &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeMap, Elem: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, ValidateFunc: validateHTTPHeaders, }, checkConsulKeyFileAttr: &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, ValidateFunc: validateRegexp(checkConsulKeyFileAttr, `.+`), }, checkConsulNodeAttr: &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, ValidateFunc: validateRegexp(checkConsulNodeAttr, `^[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+$`), ConflictsWith: []string{ checkConsulAttr + "." + checkConsulServiceAttr, checkConsulAttr + "." + checkConsulStateAttr, }, }, checkConsulNodeBlacklistAttr: &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeList, Optional: true, Elem: &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, ValidateFunc: validateRegexp(checkConsulNodeBlacklistAttr, `^[A-Za-z0-9_-]+$`), }, }, checkConsulServiceAttr: &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, ValidateFunc: validateRegexp(checkConsulServiceAttr, `^[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+$`), ConflictsWith: []string{ checkConsulAttr + "." + checkConsulNodeAttr, checkConsulAttr + "." + checkConsulStateAttr, }, }, checkConsulServiceNameBlacklistAttr: &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeList, Optional: true, Elem: &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, ValidateFunc: validateRegexp(checkConsulServiceNameBlacklistAttr, `^[A-Za-z0-9_-]+$`), }, }, checkConsulStateAttr: &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, ValidateFunc: validateRegexp(checkConsulStateAttr, `^(any|passing|warning|critical)$`), ConflictsWith: []string{ checkConsulAttr + "." + checkConsulNodeAttr, checkConsulAttr + "." + checkConsulServiceAttr, }, }, }), }, } // checkAPIToStateConsul reads the Config data out of circonusCheck.CheckBundle into // the statefile. func checkAPIToStateConsul(c *circonusCheck, d *schema.ResourceData) error { consulConfig := make(map[string]interface{}, len(c.Config)) // swamp is a sanity check: it must be empty by the time this method returns swamp := make(map[config.Key]string, len(c.Config)) for k, s := range c.Config { swamp[k] = s } saveStringConfigToState := func(apiKey config.Key, attrName schemaAttr) { if s, ok := c.Config[apiKey]; ok && s != "" { consulConfig[string(attrName)] = s } delete(swamp, apiKey) } saveStringConfigToState(config.CAChain, checkConsulCAChainAttr) saveStringConfigToState(config.CertFile, checkConsulCertFileAttr) saveStringConfigToState(config.Ciphers, checkConsulCiphersAttr) // httpAddrURL is used to compose the http_addr value using multiple c.Config // values. var httpAddrURL url.URL headers := make(map[string]interface{}, len(c.Config)+1) // +1 is for the ACLToken headerPrefixLen := len(config.HeaderPrefix) // Explicitly handle several config parameters in sequence: URL, then port, // then everything else. if v, found := c.Config[config.URL]; found { u, err := url.Parse(v) if err != nil { return errwrap.Wrapf(fmt.Sprintf("unable to parse %q from config: {{err}}", config.URL), err) } queryArgs := u.Query() if vals, found := queryArgs[apiConsulStaleAttr]; found && len(vals) > 0 { consulConfig[string(checkConsulAllowStaleAttr)] = true } if dc := queryArgs.Get(apiConsulDatacenterAttr); dc != "" { consulConfig[string(checkConsulDatacenterAttr)] = dc } httpAddrURL.Host = u.Host httpAddrURL.Scheme = u.Scheme md := consulHealthCheckRE.FindStringSubmatch(u.EscapedPath()) if md == nil { return fmt.Errorf("config %q failed to match the health regexp", config.URL) } checkMode := md[1] checkArg := md[2] switch checkMode { case checkConsulV1NodePrefix: consulConfig[string(checkConsulNodeAttr)] = checkArg case checkConsulV1ServicePrefix: consulConfig[string(checkConsulServiceAttr)] = checkArg case checkConsulV1StatePrefix: consulConfig[string(checkConsulStateAttr)] = checkArg default: return fmt.Errorf("PROVIDER BUG: unsupported check mode %q from %q", checkMode, u.EscapedPath()) } delete(swamp, config.URL) } if v, found := c.Config[config.Port]; found { hostInfo := strings.SplitN(httpAddrURL.Host, ":", 2) switch { case len(hostInfo) == 1 && v != defaultCheckConsulPort, len(hostInfo) > 1: httpAddrURL.Host = net.JoinHostPort(hostInfo[0], v) } delete(swamp, config.Port) } if v, found := c.Config[apiConsulCheckBlacklist]; found { consulConfig[checkConsulCheckNameBlacklistAttr] = strings.Split(v, ",") } if v, found := c.Config[apiConsulNodeBlacklist]; found { consulConfig[checkConsulNodeBlacklistAttr] = strings.Split(v, ",") } if v, found := c.Config[apiConsulServiceBlacklist]; found { consulConfig[checkConsulServiceNameBlacklistAttr] = strings.Split(v, ",") } // NOTE(sean@): headers attribute processed last. See below. consulConfig[string(checkConsulHTTPAddrAttr)] = httpAddrURL.String() saveStringConfigToState(config.KeyFile, checkConsulKeyFileAttr) // Process the headers last in order to provide an escape hatch capible of // overriding any other derived value above. for k, v := range c.Config { if len(k) <= headerPrefixLen { continue } // Handle all of the prefix variable headers, like `header_` if strings.Compare(string(k[:headerPrefixLen]), string(config.HeaderPrefix)) == 0 { key := k[headerPrefixLen:] switch key { case checkConsulTokenHeader: consulConfig[checkConsulACLTokenAttr] = v default: headers[string(key)] = v } } delete(swamp, k) } consulConfig[string(checkConsulHeadersAttr)] = headers whitelistedConfigKeys := map[config.Key]struct{}{ config.Port: struct{}{}, config.ReverseSecretKey: struct{}{}, config.SubmissionURL: struct{}{}, config.URL: struct{}{}, } for k := range swamp { if _, ok := whitelistedConfigKeys[k]; ok { delete(c.Config, k) } if _, ok := whitelistedConfigKeys[k]; !ok { return fmt.Errorf("PROVIDER BUG: API Config not empty: %#v", swamp) } } if err := d.Set(checkConsulAttr, []interface{}{consulConfig}); err != nil { return errwrap.Wrapf(fmt.Sprintf("Unable to store check %q attribute: {{err}}", checkConsulAttr), err) } return nil } func checkConfigToAPIConsul(c *circonusCheck, l interfaceList) error { c.Type = string(apiCheckTypeConsul) // Iterate over all `consul` attributes, even though we have a max of 1 in the // schema. for _, mapRaw := range l { consulConfig := newInterfaceMap(mapRaw) if v, found := consulConfig[checkConsulCAChainAttr]; found { c.Config[config.CAChain] = v.(string) } if v, found := consulConfig[checkConsulCertFileAttr]; found { c.Config[config.CertFile] = v.(string) } if v, found := consulConfig[checkConsulCheckNameBlacklistAttr]; found { listRaw := v.([]interface{}) checks := make([]string, 0, len(listRaw)) for _, v := range listRaw { checks = append(checks, v.(string)) } c.Config[apiConsulCheckBlacklist] = strings.Join(checks, ",") } if v, found := consulConfig[checkConsulCiphersAttr]; found { c.Config[config.Ciphers] = v.(string) } if headers := consulConfig.CollectMap(checkConsulHeadersAttr); headers != nil { for k, v := range headers { h := config.HeaderPrefix + config.Key(k) c.Config[h] = v } } if v, found := consulConfig[checkConsulKeyFileAttr]; found { c.Config[config.KeyFile] = v.(string) } { // Extract all of the input attributes necessary to construct the // Consul agent's URL. httpAddr := consulConfig[checkConsulHTTPAddrAttr].(string) checkURL, err := url.Parse(httpAddr) if err != nil { return errwrap.Wrapf(fmt.Sprintf("Unable to parse %s's attribute %q: {{err}}", checkConsulAttr, httpAddr), err) } hostInfo := strings.SplitN(checkURL.Host, ":", 2) if len(c.Target) == 0 { c.Target = hostInfo[0] } if len(hostInfo) > 1 { c.Config[config.Port] = hostInfo[1] } if v, found := consulConfig[checkConsulNodeAttr]; found && v.(string) != "" { checkURL.Path = strings.Join([]string{checkConsulV1Prefix, checkConsulV1NodePrefix, v.(string)}, "/") } if v, found := consulConfig[checkConsulServiceAttr]; found && v.(string) != "" { checkURL.Path = strings.Join([]string{checkConsulV1Prefix, checkConsulV1ServicePrefix, v.(string)}, "/") } if v, found := consulConfig[checkConsulStateAttr]; found && v.(string) != "" { checkURL.Path = strings.Join([]string{checkConsulV1Prefix, checkConsulV1StatePrefix, v.(string)}, "/") } q := checkURL.Query() if v, found := consulConfig[checkConsulAllowStaleAttr]; found && v.(bool) { q.Set(apiConsulStaleAttr, "") } if v, found := consulConfig[checkConsulDatacenterAttr]; found && v.(string) != "" { q.Set(apiConsulDatacenterAttr, v.(string)) } checkURL.RawQuery = q.Encode() c.Config[config.URL] = checkURL.String() } if v, found := consulConfig[checkConsulNodeBlacklistAttr]; found { listRaw := v.([]interface{}) checks := make([]string, 0, len(listRaw)) for _, v := range listRaw { checks = append(checks, v.(string)) } c.Config[apiConsulNodeBlacklist] = strings.Join(checks, ",") } if v, found := consulConfig[checkConsulServiceNameBlacklistAttr]; found { listRaw := v.([]interface{}) checks := make([]string, 0, len(listRaw)) for _, v := range listRaw { checks = append(checks, v.(string)) } c.Config[apiConsulServiceBlacklist] = strings.Join(checks, ",") } } return nil }