--- layout: "nomad" page_title: "Nomad: nomad_job" sidebar_current: "docs-nomad-resource-job" description: |- Manages a job registered in Nomad. --- # nomad\_job Manages a job registered in Nomad. This can be used to initialize your cluster with system jobs, common services, and more. In day to day Nomad use it is common for developers to submit jobs to Nomad directly, such as for general app deployment. In addition to these apps, a Nomad cluster often runs core system services that are ideally setup during infrastructure creation. This resource is ideal for the latter type of job, but can be used to manage any job within Nomad. ## Example Usage Registering a job from a jobspec file: ``` resource "nomad_job" "app" { jobspec = "${file("${path.module}/job.hcl")}" } ``` Registering a job from an inline jobspec. This is less realistic but is an example of how it is possible. More likely, the contents will be paired with something such as the [template_file](https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/template/d/file.html) resource to render parameterized jobspecs. ``` resource "nomad_job" "app" { jobspec = <