package kubernetes import ( "" "" "" ) // Flatteners func flattenIntOrString(in intstr.IntOrString) int { return in.IntValue() } func flattenServicePort(in []v1.ServicePort) []interface{} { att := make([]interface{}, len(in), len(in)) for i, n := range in { m := make(map[string]interface{}) m["name"] = n.Name m["protocol"] = string(n.Protocol) m["port"] = int(n.Port) m["target_port"] = flattenIntOrString(n.TargetPort) m["node_port"] = int(n.NodePort) att[i] = m } return att } func flattenServiceSpec(in v1.ServiceSpec) []interface{} { att := make(map[string]interface{}) if len(in.Ports) > 0 { att["port"] = flattenServicePort(in.Ports) } if len(in.Selector) > 0 { att["selector"] = in.Selector } if in.ClusterIP != "" { att["cluster_ip"] = in.ClusterIP } if in.Type != "" { att["type"] = string(in.Type) } if len(in.ExternalIPs) > 0 { att["external_ips"] = newStringSet(schema.HashString, in.ExternalIPs) } if in.SessionAffinity != "" { att["session_affinity"] = string(in.SessionAffinity) } if in.LoadBalancerIP != "" { att["load_balancer_ip"] = in.LoadBalancerIP } if len(in.LoadBalancerSourceRanges) > 0 { att["load_balancer_source_ranges"] = newStringSet(schema.HashString, in.LoadBalancerSourceRanges) } if in.ExternalName != "" { att["external_name"] = in.ExternalName } return []interface{}{att} } // Expanders func expandIntOrString(in int) intstr.IntOrString { return intstr.FromInt(in) } func expandServicePort(l []interface{}) []v1.ServicePort { if len(l) == 0 || l[0] == nil { return []v1.ServicePort{} } obj := make([]v1.ServicePort, len(l), len(l)) for i, n := range l { cfg := n.(map[string]interface{}) obj[i] = v1.ServicePort{ Port: int32(cfg["port"].(int)), TargetPort: expandIntOrString(cfg["target_port"].(int)), } if v, ok := cfg["name"].(string); ok { obj[i].Name = v } if v, ok := cfg["protocol"].(string); ok { obj[i].Protocol = v1.Protocol(v) } if v, ok := cfg["node_port"].(int); ok { obj[i].NodePort = int32(v) } } return obj } func expandServiceSpec(l []interface{}) v1.ServiceSpec { if len(l) == 0 || l[0] == nil { return v1.ServiceSpec{} } in := l[0].(map[string]interface{}) obj := v1.ServiceSpec{} if v, ok := in["port"].([]interface{}); ok && len(v) > 0 { obj.Ports = expandServicePort(v) } if v, ok := in["selector"].(map[string]interface{}); ok && len(v) > 0 { obj.Selector = expandStringMap(v) } if v, ok := in["cluster_ip"].(string); ok { obj.ClusterIP = v } if v, ok := in["type"].(string); ok { obj.Type = v1.ServiceType(v) } if v, ok := in["external_ips"].(*schema.Set); ok && v.Len() > 0 { obj.ExternalIPs = sliceOfString(v.List()) } if v, ok := in["session_affinity"].(string); ok { obj.SessionAffinity = v1.ServiceAffinity(v) } if v, ok := in["load_balancer_ip"].(string); ok { obj.LoadBalancerIP = v } if v, ok := in["load_balancer_source_ranges"].(*schema.Set); ok && v.Len() > 0 { obj.LoadBalancerSourceRanges = sliceOfString(v.List()) } if v, ok := in["external_name"].(string); ok { obj.ExternalName = v } return obj } // Patch Ops func patchServiceSpec(keyPrefix, pathPrefix string, d *schema.ResourceData) PatchOperations { ops := make([]PatchOperation, 0, 0) if d.HasChange(keyPrefix + "selector") { ops = append(ops, &ReplaceOperation{ Path: pathPrefix + "selector", Value: d.Get(keyPrefix + "selector").(map[string]interface{}), }) } if d.HasChange(keyPrefix + "type") { ops = append(ops, &ReplaceOperation{ Path: pathPrefix + "type", Value: d.Get(keyPrefix + "type").(string), }) } if d.HasChange(keyPrefix + "session_affinity") { ops = append(ops, &ReplaceOperation{ Path: pathPrefix + "sessionAffinity", Value: d.Get(keyPrefix + "session_affinity").(string), }) } if d.HasChange(keyPrefix + "load_balancer_ip") { ops = append(ops, &ReplaceOperation{ Path: pathPrefix + "loadBalancerIP", Value: d.Get(keyPrefix + "load_balancer_ip").(string), }) } if d.HasChange(keyPrefix + "load_balancer_source_ranges") { ops = append(ops, &ReplaceOperation{ Path: pathPrefix + "loadBalancerSourceRanges", Value: d.Get(keyPrefix + "load_balancer_source_ranges").(*schema.Set).List(), }) } if d.HasChange(keyPrefix + "port") { ops = append(ops, &ReplaceOperation{ Path: pathPrefix + "ports", Value: expandServicePort(d.Get(keyPrefix + "port").([]interface{})), }) } if d.HasChange(keyPrefix + "external_ips") { // If we haven't done this the deprecated field would have priority ops = append(ops, &ReplaceOperation{ Path: pathPrefix + "deprecatedPublicIPs", Value: nil, }) ops = append(ops, &ReplaceOperation{ Path: pathPrefix + "externalIPs", Value: d.Get(keyPrefix + "external_ips").(*schema.Set).List(), }) } if d.HasChange(keyPrefix + "external_name") { ops = append(ops, &ReplaceOperation{ Path: pathPrefix + "externalName", Value: d.Get(keyPrefix + "external_name").(string), }) } return ops }