--- layout: "cloudstack" page_title: "CloudStack: cloudstack_private_gateway" sidebar_current: "docs-cloudstack-resource-private-gateway" description: |- Creates a private gateway. --- # cloudstack\_private\_gateway Creates a private gateway for the given VPC. *NOTE: private gateway can only be created using a ROOT account!* ## Example Usage ``` resource "cloudstack_private_gateway" "default" { gateway = "" ip_address = "" netmask = "" vlan = "200" vpc_id = "76f6e8dc-07e3-4971-b2a2-8831b0cc4cb4" } ``` ## Argument Reference The following arguments are supported: * `gateway` - (Required) the gateway of the Private gateway. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. * `ip_address` - (Required) the IP address of the Private gateway. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. * `netmask` - (Required) The netmask of the Private gateway. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. * `vlan` - (Required) The VLAN number (1-4095) the network will use. * `physical_network_id` - (Optional) The ID of the physical network this private gateway belongs to. * `network_offering` - (Optional) The name or ID of the network offering to use for the private gateways network connection. * `acl_id` - (Required) The ACL ID that should be attached to the network. * `vpc_id` - (Required) The VPC ID in which to create this Private gateway. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. ## Attributes Reference The following attributes are exported: * `id` - The ID of the private gateway.