--- layout: "scaleway" page_title: "Scaleway: server" sidebar_current: "docs-scaleway-resource-server" description: |- Manages Scaleway servers. --- # scaleway\_server Provides servers. This allows servers to be created, updated and deleted. For additional details please refer to [API documentation](https://developer.scaleway.com/#servers). ## Example Usage ```hcl resource "scaleway_server" "test" { name = "test" image = "5faef9cd-ea9b-4a63-9171-9e26bec03dbc" type = "VC1M" volume { size_in_gb = 20 type = "l_ssd" } } ``` ## Argument Reference The following arguments are supported: * `name` - (Required) name of server * `image` - (Required) base image of server * `type` - (Required) type of server * `bootscript` - (Optional) server bootscript * `tags` - (Optional) list of tags for server * `enable_ipv6` - (Optional) enable ipv6 * `dynamic_ip_required` - (Optional) make server publicly available * `security_group` - (Optional) assign security group to server Field `name`, `type`, `tags`, `dynamic_ip_required`, `security_group` are editable. ## Volume You can attach additional volumes to your instance, which will share the lifetime of your `scaleway_server` resource. The `volume` mapping supports the following: * `type` - (Required) The type of volume. Can be `"l_ssd"` * `size_in_gb` - (Required) The size of the volume in gigabytes. ## Attributes Reference The following attributes are exported: * `id` - id of the new resource * `private_ip` - private ip of the new resource * `public_ip` - public ip of the new resource ## Import Instances can be imported using the `id`, e.g. ``` $ terraform import scaleway_server.web 5faef9cd-ea9b-4a63-9171-9e26bec03dbc ```