--- page_title: 'Provisioner: file' description: >- The `file` provisioner is used to copy files or directories from the machine executing Terraform to the newly created resource. The `file` provisioner supports both `ssh` and `winrm` type connections. --- # File Provisioner The `file` provisioner is used to copy files or directories from the machine executing Terraform to the newly created resource. The `file` provisioner supports both `ssh` and `winrm` type [connections](/language/resources/provisioners/connection). -> **Note:** Provisioners should only be used as a last resort. For most common situations there are better alternatives. For more information, see [the main Provisioners page](/language/resources/provisioners). ## Example usage ```hcl resource "aws_instance" "web" { # ... # Copies the myapp.conf file to /etc/myapp.conf provisioner "file" { source = "conf/myapp.conf" destination = "/etc/myapp.conf" } # Copies the string in content into /tmp/file.log provisioner "file" { content = "ami used: ${self.ami}" destination = "/tmp/file.log" } # Copies the configs.d folder to /etc/configs.d provisioner "file" { source = "conf/configs.d" destination = "/etc" } # Copies all files and folders in apps/app1 to D:/IIS/webapp1 provisioner "file" { source = "apps/app1/" destination = "D:/IIS/webapp1" } } ``` ## Argument Reference The following arguments are supported: * `source` - The source file or directory. Specify it either relative to the current working directory or as an absolute path. This argument cannot be combined with `content`. * `content` - The direct content to copy on the destination. If destination is a file, the content will be written on that file. In case of a directory, a file named `tf-file-content` is created inside that directory. We recommend using a file as the destination when using `content`. This argument cannot be combined with `source`. * `destination` - (Required) The destination path to write to on the remote system. See [Destination Paths](#destination-paths) below for more information. ## Destination Paths The path you provide in the `destination` argument will be evaluated by the remote system, rather than by Terraform itself. Therefore the valid values for that argument can vary depending on the operating system and remote access software running on the target. When connecting over SSH, the `file` provisioner passes the given destination path verbatim to the `scp` program on the remote host. By default, OpenSSH's `scp` implementation runs in the remote user's home directory and so you can specify a relative path to upload into that home directory, or an absolute path to upload to some other location. The remote `scp` process will run with the access level of the user specified in the `connection` block, and so permissions may prevent writing directly to locations outside of the home directory. Because WinRM has no corresponding file transfer protocol, for WinRM connections the `file` provisioner uses a more complex process: 1. Generate a temporary filename in the directory given in the remote system's `TEMP` environment variable, using a pseudorandom UUID for uniqueness. 2. Use sequential generated `echo` commands over WinRM to gradually append base64-encoded chunks of the source file to the chosen temporary file. 3. Use an uploaded PowerShell script to read the temporary file, base64-decode, and write the raw result into the destination file. In the WinRM case, the destination path is therefore interpreted by PowerShell and so you must take care not to use any meta-characters that PowerShell might interpret. In particular, avoid including any untrusted external input in your `destination` argument when using WinRM, because it can serve as a vector for arbitrary PowerShell code execution on the remote system. Modern Windows systems support running an OpenSSH server, so we strongly recommend choosing SSH over WinRM whereever possible, and using WinRM only as a last resort when working with obsolete Windows versions. ## Directory Uploads The `file` provisioner can upload a complete directory to the remote machine. When uploading a directory, there are some additional considerations. When using the `ssh` connection type the destination directory must already exist. If you need to create it, use a remote-exec provisioner just prior to the file provisioner in order to create the directory When using the `winrm` connection type the destination directory will be created for you if it doesn't already exist. The existence of a trailing slash on the source path will determine whether the directory name will be embedded within the destination, or whether the destination will be created. For example: * If the source is `/foo` (no trailing slash), and the destination is `/tmp`, then the contents of `/foo` on the local machine will be uploaded to `/tmp/foo` on the remote machine. The `foo` directory on the remote machine will be created by Terraform. * If the source, however, is `/foo/` (a trailing slash is present), and the destination is `/tmp`, then the contents of `/foo` will be uploaded directly into `/tmp`.